Is fractional yacht ownership worth it?

The Pros of fractional yacht ownership By sharing the purchase price, but also the operating and maintenance costs between the owners, fractional boat ownership lightens your investment considerably, allowing you to make serious savings. Financially, but not only.

How does fractional yacht ownership work?

Fractional ownership is when a manager arranges to purchase a boat among several owners. Each owner has an equity stake in the vessel depending on what percentage of the purchase they fund. Similarly, each owner is allotted a set number of days they are able to use the boat each year.

Can you timeshare a yacht?

A boat timeshare works much the same as a timeshare for a luxury condo or private jet. You pay a discounted price to purchase an allotment of time at a property (in this case, a yacht) which you get to use during prespecified periods throughout the year.

Can you live on a yacht in the UK?

You can rent a residential mooring in a private marina or from the navigation authority. Some mooring operators won’t rent out a mooring to a boat owner who lives permanently on their boat. Some boat dwellers live on permanent moorings that are not for residential use.

Is a boat share worth it?

BOAT SHARE = LESS STRESS In reality, it’s a whole lot of stress and hassle to keep everything running smoothly and make sure everything is working well. Owning a boat share lets you enjoy boat life without the stress and hassle that come from outright boat ownership. You simply jump aboard and set sail!

How does shared ownership of a boat work?

What is shared boat ownership? A number of families together own a boat as a syndicate. Each owner contributes to the upkeep in proportion to the size of their share of the boat. The most common syndicate size is 12 or 12 plus a half share.

Are boat shares worth it?

What is fractional boat ownership?

What is Fractional Boat Ownership? Fractional boat ownership is just what it sounds like—you own a fraction of a boat. You may own half, a quarter, or a smaller percentage, but this isn’t like renting a boat or joining a boat club. You have partial legal ownership of the vessel.

What is co owning a yacht?

Co-ownership is the timeshare of the yachting world. It’s a sustainable option and gives you the joy of yacht life without having sole responsibility for its upkeep. At first, you may think that a co-ownership isn’t for you, but before you write it off, here are some of the incredible benefits.

How much does Yacht share cost?

$650 per month. Service fee per 10% share. Includes berthing, cleaning, insurances, engine services and much more.