How do I write a good engineering blog?

How to Write an Engineering Blog Post

  1. Talk about what you’ve built. The first and easiest strategy is to talk about what you’ve built.
  2. Talk about what you’ve learned.
  3. Talk about what you think.
  4. You too can write an engineering blog post.

What cool things can electrical engineers do?

A global positioning system that can pinpoint a car’s location. Giant generators that can power entire cities. A new design for an airplane’s electrical system. Electrical and electronics engineers work on high-tech projects like these.

How can I improve my electrical engineering skills?

How to improve electrical engineering skills

  1. Focus on schoolwork. One of the first places you learn the technical skills you’ll need as an electrical engineer is in college.
  2. Attend training.
  3. Ask for feedback.
  4. Pursue certifications and licenses.

What are the hot topics in electrical engineering?

To meet this demand, electrical engineers all around the world are working towards better batteries and energy storage. Distributed Energy Resource (DER), grid parity, AI and sustainable energy, blockchain, and cybersecurity. Generally, 2020 is an exciting year for the electrical engineering landscape.

How do I start an engineering blog?

This article explains how we organize the Engineering Blog, get the time to write articles, and what kind of stories drive the most traffic.

  1. Focus on Engineering — not on Us.
  2. Integrate writing into the development workflow.
  3. Write with a narrow focus on a topic of wide interest.
  4. Use keyword-rich titles.

Why do companies have engineering blogs?

Corporate developer blogs are a recruiting tool The purpose of the blog is not just to “show the cool stuff you’ve built” but rather to showcase your employer brand, highlight your engineering team’s culture, and introduce the talented engineers on your team.

Do technology blogs make money?

Most of the blogs you see out there offering lots of free value aren’t really free. They exist to provide readers with free, valuable content, but the blogs themselves are worth a lot of money, both in investment and in potential revenue.

What are some good electrical engineering blogs?

Refer “the Art of electronics”,because basics matter.

  • visit,Home|Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers and such DIY sites to find yourself with so many small and easy projects to make.
  • if a small electronics gadget gets faulty,try repairing it,instead of buying another one.
  • What are the best books for electrical engineering?

    – Basic Electricity (Dover Books on Electrical Engineering) – Electrical Engineering: Principles & Applications (7th Edition) – How to Diagnose and Fix Everything Electronic, Second Edition – The Beginner’s Guide to Engineering: Electrical En

    Is electrical engineering a good career option?

    – Good to great pay. – Usually plenty of openings, although subject to boom or bust economy – Interesting, educated, and bright people to work with. – Increasingly possible to work remotely part of the time – Lends itself to “putting out your own s

    What is the best major in Electrical Engineering?

    Electrical engineering major careers and jobs. With an major in electrical engineering, you will be trained in the areas of electromagnetic energy conversion, electromagnetic fields and electronic materials.Furthermore, you’ll have the opportunity to specialize with concentrations in power, control systems, system safety, solid state electronics and materials.