Which continent has the longest coastline?

Asia, the largest continent, has the longest series of coastlines.

Which coastline has the longest coastline in the world?

Coastline: Canada’s coastline is the world’s longest, measuring 243,042 km (includes the mainland coast and the coasts of offshore islands). This compares with Indonesia (54,716 km), Russia (37,653 km), the United States (19,924 km) and China (14,500 km).

What is the longest coastline in Africa?

Somalia has the longest coastline in Africa (approximately 3 000 km) and claims ocean territory stretching about 120 km off shore.

How long is the coastline of South Africa?

1,740 miles
The coastline of South Africa, stretching 1,740 miles (2,800 kilometers) From Mozambique to Namibia, is presided over by two great oceanic systems: a powerful current on one side of the continent and a strong upwelling on the other.

How long is Africa’s coastline?

18,950 miles
Paradoxically, the coastline of Africa—18,950 miles (30,500 km) in length—is shorter than that of Europe, because there are few inlets and few large bays or gulfs.

Which country has the longest coastline in Asia?

Indonesia. Indonesia is the world’s biggest island nation. With an area of 1,904,56 square km encompassing over 17,000 islands, islets, and rock features, Indonesia also has the longest coastline in Asia and the third longest in the world. The country has a coastline of about 54,720 km.

How long is Europe’s coastline?

The EU coastline is 68 000 km long — more than three times longer than that of the United States and almost twice that of Russia. If the EEA member countries Iceland, Norway and Turkey are included, the coastline reaches to 185 000 km long.

How long is Mozambique coastline?

roughly 1,535 miles
Dubbed the “Pearl of the Indian Ocean,” Mozambique—roughly the size of Turkey—is tucked between Tanzania to the north and South Africa, with a coastline stretching roughly 1,535 miles along the Indian Ocean.

Which has the longer coastline Africa or Europe?

Coastlines are areas that lie between land and sea. Africa’s coastline has few huge gulfs and fewer inlets, hence, it is shorter compared to Europe’s coastline and is assumed to be 30,500 kilometers lengthwise.

What is the total coastline of Asia?

39,000 miles
Asia’s coastline—some 39,000 miles (62,800 km) in length—is, variously, high and mountainous, low and alluvial, terraced as a result of the land’s having been uplifted, or “drowned” where the land has subsided.

How long is the coastline of Australia?

approximately 34 000 kilometres
The Australian coastline extends approximately 34 000 kilometres (excluding all small offshore islands) and includes more than 1000 estuaries.

How long is the coast of Africa?