Which material is used for photoconductive cell?

Cadmium sulfide (CdS) and cadmium selenide (CdSe) are the materials that are normally used in photoconductive cell manufacture.

What is photoconductor explain with example?

Classic examples of photoconductive materials include the conductive polymer polyvinylcarbazole, used extensively in photocopying; lead sulfide, used in infrared detection applications, such as the U.S. Sidewinder and Russian Atoll heat-seeking missiles; and selenium, employed in early television and xerography.

What are photoconductive devices explain any one of them?

Some photodetector applications in which photoresistors are often used include camera light meters, street lights, clock radios, infrared detectors, nanophotonic systems and low-dimensional photo-sensors devices.

What are photoconductive cells?

Definition of photoconductive cell : a photoelectric cell utilizing photoconductivity (as in a layer of selenium) so that an increase in illumination causes a decrease in electrical resistance and permits the flow of a greater electrical current.

What is the difference between photovoltaic and photoconductive?

The difference between these two classifications is that photoconductive detectors use the increase in electrical conductivity resulting from increases in the number of free carriers generated when photons are absorbed (generation of current), whereas photovoltaic current is generated as a result of the absorption of …

Is selenium a photoconductor?

A-Se is well developed technologically as it has been used as a photoconductor in photocopiers and also in an X-ray imaging technique known as xeroradiography for decades. It is used in its amorphous form, so amorphous selenium plates can be made by evaporation.

Is silicon a photoconductor?

Intrinsic photoconductor materials include lead sulfide, lead selenide, cadmium sulfide, and mercury cadmium telluride, while germanium and silicon are the usual hosts for extrinsic photoconductors with impurities such as arsenic, copper, gold, and indium.

Which of the following semiconductor components is used in photoconductive devices?

The most commercially available photoconductive device is manufactured from cadmium sulfide (CdS)

What is photoconductive cell explain its construction and working?

The photoconductive cell is found that when radiations of sufficient energy fall on such photosensitive materials they cause the electrons to break away from their covalent bonds thereby generating electron hole pairs. These charge carriers are created within the material and reduce its resistance.

What are the applications of photoelectric cell?

Photoelectric cells are used as switches (electric eyes), light detectors (burglar alarms), devices to measure light intensity (light meters), and power sources (solar cells).

What is photoconductive photovoltaic?

The photoconductive and photovoltaic (PV) transducers are the photoelectric transducers that convert light energy into electrical energy. Both are made up of semiconductor material which absorbs light energy and energizes the electrons of the material allowing them to flow through the material as an electrical current.