How does Enterobactin release iron?

The iron release mechanism from the ferric enterobactin complex to intracellular iron carriers occurs primarily through enzymatic hydrolysis of the siderophore trilactone backbone by the esterase Fes.

Is Enterobactin a siderophore?

Enterobactin is a prototype of Gram-negative bacterial siderophores with the unparalleled affinity (Kd of 10−49M) towards ferric iron.

How does E. coli uses the compound Enterobactin?

Enterobactin is a catechol-containing siderophore produced by E. coli. Under iron deprivation conditions, E. coli synthesizes these low molecular weight compounds, which bind ferric ions with high affinity and which are used to supply iron for metabolic pathways.

What is the Aerobactin system?

Aerobactin is a bacterial iron chelating agent (siderophore) found in E. coli. It is a virulence factor enabling E. coli to sequester iron in iron-poor environments such as the urinary tract.

What is Pyochelin?

Pyochelin (Pch) is one of the two major siderophores produced and secreted by Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 to assimilate iron. It chelates iron in the extracellular medium and transports it into the cell via a specific outer membrane transporter, FptA.

Is Enterobactin toxic?

Pathogenic bacteria can steal iron from other living organisms using this mechanism, even though the concentration of iron is kept extremely low due to the toxicity of free iron….Enterobactin.

CAS Number 28384-96-5
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What vitamin does E. coli produce?

Indeed, E. coli benefits its host in a number of ways. It produces vitamin K and vitamin B12, both of which are required by mammalian hosts (Bentley and Meganathan, 1982; Lawrence and Roth, 1996). E.

Are siderophores organic?

Siderophores are organic compounds with low molecular masses that are produced by microorganisms and plants growing under low iron conditions.

Why do bacteria need iron?

Iron is essential for bacterial and fungal physiological processes such as DNA replication, transcription, metabolism, and energy generation via respiration. Hence, pathogenic bacteria and fungi have developed sophisticated strategies to gain access to iron from host sources.

Is enterobactin a siderophore for iron uptake?

Studies of the chemistry, regulation, synthesis, recognition, and transport of enterobactin make it perhaps the best understood of the siderophore-mediated iron uptake systems, displaying a lot of function packed into this small molecule.

Why is enterobactin used to extract iron from air?

Due to its high affinity, enterobactin is capable of chelating even in environments where the concentration of ferric ion is held very low, such as within living organisms. Enterobactin can extract iron even from the air.

Is preacinetobactin essential for iron uptake by Escherichia coli?

Endriss, F. & Braun, V. Loop deletions indicate regions important for FhuA transport and receptor functions in Escherichia coli. J. Bacteriol. 186, 4818–4823 (2004). 41. Moynie, L. et al. Preacinetobactin not acinetobactin is essential for iron uptake by the BauA transporter of the pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii.

What is enterobactin made of?

The siderophore enterobactin is a triscatechol derivative of a cyclic triserine lactone. Studies of the chemistry, regulation, synthesis, recognition, and transport of enterobactin make it perhaps the best understood of the siderophore-mediated iron uptake systems, displaying a lot of function packed into this small molecule.