What can be find using UniProt?

Getting started

  • Text search. Our basic text search allows you to search all the resources available.
  • BLAST. Find regions of similarity between your sequences.
  • Sequence alignments. Align two or more protein sequences using the Clustal Omega program.
  • Retrieve/ID mapping.
  • Peptide search.

What is Swiss PROT ID?

SWISS-PROT is a curated protein sequence database which strives to provide a high level of annotations (such as the description of the function of a protein, structure of its domains, post-translational modifications, variants, etc.), a minimal level of redundancy and high level of integration with other databases.

How do I navigate UniProt?

Navigating the UniProt tools

  1. The Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) for sequence search.
  2. the ‘Align’ multiple sequence alignment tool.
  3. the ‘Retrieve/ID Mapping’ tool where you can submit a list of identifiers to retrieve the corresponding UniProt entries, or map them from or to an external database.

Why do we need UniProt?

UniProt helps with this in the following ways: It provides an up-to-date, comprehensive body of protein information at a single site. It aids scientific discovery by collecting, interpreting and organising this information so that it is easy to access and use.

What is a UniProt ID?

The proteome identifier (UPID) is the unique identifier assigned to the set of proteins that constitute the proteome. It consists of the characters ‘UP’ followed by 9 digits, is stable across releases and can therefore be used to cite a UniProt proteome.

Is Swiss Prot and UniProt same?

Swiss-Prot (created in 1986) is a high quality manually annotated and non-redundant protein sequence database, which brings together experimental results, computed features and scientific conclusions. UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot is now the reviewed section of the UniProt Knowledgebase.

Is UniProt and SWISS-PROT same?

How do I access SWISS-PROT?

There are multiple sites on the Web that can access the Swiss-Prot/TrEMBL and retrieve the database. Its main sites are the ExPASy Molecular Biology website (http://www.expasy.org/) and the European Institute of Bioinformatics (EBI) website (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/swissprot/).

What is a UniProt number?

Last modified April 10, 2018. The proteome identifier (UPID) is the unique identifier assigned to the set of proteins that constitute the proteome. It consists of the characters ‘UP’ followed by 9 digits, is stable across releases and can therefore be used to cite a UniProt proteome.