Was George Takei in the army?

The inset image at top right shows Takei as a kindergartener at Camp Rohwer in Arkansas. “He is one of the thousands of young men who went from barbed-wire incarceration to [putting] on the same uniform as that of the sentries that guarded over us, and served in the military.

What camps did George Takei go to?

In 1942, the Takei family was forced to live in the converted horse stables of Santa Anita Park before being sent to the Rohwer War Relocation Center for internment in Rohwer, Arkansas. The internment camp was in swamplands and surrounded by barbed wire fences.

How old was George Takei when he was taken into an internment camp?

5 years old
On Feb. 19, 1942, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066. It sent about 70,000 U.S. citizens into internment camps for years, including a very young George Takei. “I was 5 years old at the time,” recalls the actor.

How old was George Takei during Pearl Harbor?

four years old
Takei was four years old at the time of the Pearl Harbor attack, and following the signing of Executive Order 9066 by President Franklin Roosevelt on February 19, 1942, Takei and his family along with approximately 120,000 people of Japanese descent—two thirds of whom were American citizens like Takei—were forced from …

Is George Takei famous in Japan?

He starred as Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu during the three-year television run of Star Trek, and later reprised the role for six movies. Prominently involved with gay rights and Japanese American groups, Takei has become a highly popular social-media presence.

What does Takei remember about the day that he and his family were ordered out of their home?

Actor George Takei distinctly remembers the day the U.S. Army came to his family’s suburban California home to take them to a Japanese internment camp. “I had just turned five years old, but I still remember that day,” Takei told The Daily Show host Jon Stewart this week.