Is dapoxetine available in India?

Dapoxetine 30mg Brands in India :

Product Company Price (Rs.)
Xydap 30 mg Tablet 4s Cipla 104.00
Duralast 30mg Tablet 4s Sun Pharma 120.00
Amjoy 30mg Tablet 6s Albert David 140.00
Dapolast 30mg Tablet 6s Micro Labs 141.00

What is Priligy tablets used for?

Priligy may also be known as a ‘urological’ medicine. Priligy increases the time it takes to ejaculate and can improve the control over the ejaculation. This may reduce the frustration or worry about fast ejaculation. Priligy is used to treat premature ejaculation in adult men aged 18 to 64 years.

How do you take dapoxetine 60 mg?

Dapoxy 60mg Tablet should only be taken 1 to 3 hours before sexual activity is anticipated. Do not take this medicine more than once 24 hours or every day.

Can I buy Priligy over the counter?

No, Priligy is a prescription only medication, so you cannot get it over the counter from a pharmacy. You’ll need to get a prescription from a doctor, such as Superdrug Online Doctor or your GP.

How long can Priligy last?

How long does Priligy last? Priligy is most effective 1-3hrs after it is taken, but can sometimes retain its effects for up to 12 hours. Priligy works in around 8 out of 10 men. These men should notice a doubling or tripling of the time their erection lasts before ejaculation.

How long can I last with Priligy?

Can I take Priligy everyday?

Do not take Priligy more than once every 24 hours. It is not intended as a regular treatment that you take every day. Your doctor will want to discuss your treatment with you after four weeks or six doses of treatment.

Can you buy Priligy?

Can I buy Priligy from chemist?

No, Priligy is a prescription only medication, so you cannot get it over the counter from a pharmacy.