Why does Eliezer become angry at his father Chapter 8?

Why is Elie angry with his father right after they debark from the train at the camp? His father wanted to give up and be left to die.

What camp is Elie at in Chapter 8?

In Chapter 8 of Night by Elie Wiesel, the story continues with Elie and his father arriving at the Buchenwald concentration camp.

What happened in Chapter 8 of the Night?

In Chapter 8 of Night by Elie Wiesel, Elie becomes the primary caretaker of his father. The treacherous journey from Buna to Buchenwald really put a lot of strain on his father’s body, mind and spirit. Elie feels tremendous guilt for wishing for his father’s death so he can take care of himself.

What is the summary of Night?

Night tells the story of Eliezer Wiesel, a studious Orthodox Jewish teenager living in Hungary in the early 1940s who is sent to Auschwitz, a concentration camp. In Auschwitz, Eliezer struggles to maintain his faith, bearing witness as the other prisoners lose faith and humanity.

What happens at the end of Chapter 8 in night?

Eliezer stays awake with his dying father for a while, as his father moans, “Eliezer.” But eventually, Eliezer goes to bed. In the morning, his father’s body is gone. Eliezer hopes that his father wasn’t taken to the crematorium before he stopped breathing.

What does the author show about pain and suffering particularly in Chapter 8?

In Chapter 8, what does the author compare with pain and suffering? Pain and suffering can be worse than death itself. How does the SS officer treat Elie’s father? He beats him in the head with his club.

What does Eliezer’s father become ill with in Chapter 8?

Confined to his bed, Eliezer’s father continues to approach death. He is afflicted with dysentery, which makes him terribly thirsty, but it is extremely dangerous to give water to a man with dysentery.

Who was the resistance in Night?

The resistance movement comprised of armed prisoners, who later launched on attack on the SS, forcing them to flee and abandon the camp. The resistance subsequently took over control of the camp and liberated the prisoners. The resistance movement decided at the point to act.

How is Elie’s father treated by the other prisoners in Chapter 8?

How is Elie’s father treated by the other prisoners? They beat him because he is sick, dying, and can no longer get up and relieve himself. When the prisoners find out that they can have soup, what is their reaction? They are too tired and exhausted to even care about food.