Who is more famous John Cena or The Rock?

John Cena wrestles every week, while The Rock does his Hollywood gig. But as of now, July 2011, who is the bigger star in the world of pro wrestling, The Rock or John Cena? John Cena is the most popular wrestler in the world today, period.

Is The Rock a legend in WWE?

His incredible mic skills and charisma along with his entertainment value made him the wrestling legend he is today. Those same traits gave him success as an actor. The walking tomato known as John Cena can’t touch the success Rock had on the movie screen or in the ring.

Are the Rock and John Cena friends?

Even a distant WWE fan would know how much John Cena and Dwyane “The Rock” Johnson hate each other’s guts whenever they share the same ring. However, the two megastars are very close friends in real life and always support each other.

Did Rock not like John Cena?

The WWE Universe has often asked the question, does The Rock and John Cena have a legitimate beef? The answer to that – quite simply – is yes. The Rock and John Cena legitimately have animosity towards each other. In the past, neither has denied the same and have admitted to them having beef.

Do Rock and Cena hate each other?

Reportedly, Cena and Johnson have become friends or rather, have overcome all bitterness that existed between them over the years. So, the duo can be considered being friends.

Who is the legendary wrestler in WWE?

Hulk Hogan- Hogan is arguably the most charismatic wrestler in the history of the sport. His entrance theme brought fans young and old to their feet every time, and his classic ‘Hulk-Up’ routine was a real crowd pleaser too.

Who is better Stone Cold or The Rock?

Following a ‘flash poll’ we put up on our WWE Twitter account, a small pool of people voted on who they thought was better out of the two wrestling legends. In the end, Stone Cold came out on top with 53% of the vote going in favour of The Texas Rattlesnake. A close finish – not much in it at all.