What is feminine of Steward?

steward | American Dictionary A steward ( (female stewardess)) on an aircraft, ship, or train is someone who helps and serves passengers.

What does Stewardable mean?

which means the accommodation becomes stewardable (responsibility for conditions at the site rests with the contractor/Project utilizing.

What is a steward in the UK?

A steward is employed to take care of passengers in a train, ship or aircraft. The role also applies to people responsible for supervising activities in an event or eatery.

How do you spell a steward on a ship?


  1. 1A person employed to look after the passengers on a ship, aircraft, or train.
  2. 2A person responsible for supplies of food to a college, club, or other institution.
  3. 3An official appointed to supervise arrangements or keep order at a large public event, for example a race, match, or demonstration.

What is the gender of vixen?

female fox
A vixen is a female fox. Or it can be a woman with a temper.

What is the feminine of Monk?

Correct answer is option D as the feminine counterparts of some masculine nouns are entirely different words. In this case, the feminine form of “monk” is “nun”.

What does stuard mean?

1 : one employed in a large household or estate to manage domestic concerns (such as the supervision of servants, collection of rents, and keeping of accounts) 2 : shop steward.

Who is Asteward?

noun. a person who administers the property, house, finances, etc, of another. a person who manages the eating arrangements, staff, or service at a club, hotel, etc. a person who attends to passengers on an aircraft, ship or train. a mess attendant in a naval mess afloat or ashore.

What is a royal steward called?

lord steward, also called Lord Steward Of The Household, in England, an official of the royal household, whose duties were originally domestic and who was known as the “chief steward” of the household.

What is another word for stewarding?

What is another word for stewarding?

managing running
conducting governing
administering operating
overlooking regulating
guiding administrating

What is the male fox called?

dog fox
A male fox is called a dog fox and young foxes are called pups,cubs, or kits. Red fox burrows are also called dens.