What does the Functional Independence Measure?

The Functional Independence Measure (FIM) is an instrument that was developed as a measure of disability for a variety of populations. The instrument includes measures of independence for self-care, including sphincter control, transfers, locomotion, communication, and social cognition.

How is the Functional Independence Measure administered?

The FIM is typically administered by interview.

What is the FIM test?

What is FIM? FIM stands for Functional Independence Measure, an assessment tool doctors, therapists, and nurses use during rehabilitation and physical therapy. FIM gauges and track the amount of assistance that a person may require to carry out everyday activities.

Is FIM a standardized assessment?

FIM as a standardized way of keeping track, or “score,” of how a patient is or is not improving. The FIM measures progress in activities of daily living, mobility, and communication.

What does the Stroke Impact Scale measure?

social participation The Stroke Impact Scale (SIS) assesses other dimensions of health related quality of life: emotion, communication, memory and thinking, and social role function. *The first four of these domains may be combined into one physical domain, but the others must be scored separately.

Is the FIM still used?

Although the CMS or center for medicare and medicare replaced the FIM, it’s not to say that the FIM is no longer used. Some insurances may use or reimburse based on the FIM, but it is probably being phased out. In OT school, you will likely learn about the FIM.

What is FIM stroke?

Objective: The Functional Independence Measure (FIM) was used to measure function in first-stroke patients on admission to and discharge from a rehabilitation center, and to determine gain; all data were analyzed by a clinically oriented approach.

Who is FIM assessment used for?

An assessment of the severity of patient disability. The Functional Independence Measure (FIM™) instrument is a basic indicator of patient disability. FIM™ is used to track the changes in the functional ability of a patient during an episode of hospital rehabilitation care.

What is the stroke Specific quality of life scale?

More Specific Quality Of Life scale (SS-QOL) is a patient-centered outcome measure intended to provide an assessment of health-related quality of life specific to patients with stroke. 20% of cases are a hemorrhage in the brain caused by a rupture or leakage from a blood vessel.