What is subcostal artery?

The subcostal arteries are bilateral small arteries that arise from the distal descending thoracic aorta and course beneath the 12th rib. In part supplying the vertebra and spinal cord, they are considered one of the segmental arteries of the aorta.

Where is the musculophrenic artery?

The musculophrenic artery runs along the costal slips of the diaphragm. It supplies the 7th, 8th and 9th intercostal spaces with paired anterior intercostal arteries, as well as fine branches that supply the superior part of the anterior abdominal wall.

How many subcostal arteries are there?

There are eleven pairs of posterior intercostal veins, nine pairs of anterior intercostal and one pair of subcostal veins supplying the thoracic wall.

Where is the intercostal artery located?

The superior intercostal artery is the descending branch of the costocervical trunk, which arises from the second part of the subclavian artery 2. It enters the thorax anterior to the neck of the first rib with the sympathetic trunk on its medial side.

What does subcostal mean in medical terms?

Medical Definition of subcostal (Entry 1 of 2) : situated or performed below a rib a left subcostal incision.

What is Subcostal vein?

The subcostal vein is a vein in the human body that runs along the bottom of the twelfth rib. It has the same essential qualities as the posterior intercostal veins, except that it cannot be considered intercostal because it is not between two ribs. Subcostal vein.

What is musculophrenic artery?

The musculophrenic artery arises from the internal thoracic artery, directed obliquely downward and laterally, behind the cartilages of the false ribs; it perforates the diaphragm at the eighth or ninth costal cartilage, and ends, considerably reduced in size, opposite the last intercostal space.

What does musculophrenic mean?

Definition of musculophrenic : supplying the muscles of the body wall and the diaphragm musculophrenic nerve musculophrenic blood vessel.

What are Subcostal muscles?

Subcostal muscles are the thin muscles found on the inner surface of the posterior thoracic wall bridging two or three intercostal spaces. Together with the intercostal, serratus posterior, levatores costarum, and transversus thoracis muscles they comprise the intrinsic musculature of the chest wall.

What do Subcostal arteries supply?

Along with the lower posterior intercostal arteries, the subcostal arteries supply the muscles and skin beneath the 12th rib of the anterolateral abdominal wall.

Where does the musculophrenic vein drain?

The anterior intercostal veins originate from the intercostal space just inferior to anterior aspects of their respective ribs and drain into the internal thoracic and musculophrenic veins.

What is the Subcostal area?