What is Outrec fields sort?

JCL – SORT OUTREC Fields The OUTREC control statement allows you to reformat the input records after they are sorted, merged, or copied. You can create the reformatted OUTREC records in one of the following ways using unedited, edited, or converted input fields.

How do you put a space in Outrec?

You can make the printout more readable by using the OUTREC statement to separate the fields with blanks and to create margins. You can insert blanks before, between, or after fields. You can use X or 1X to specify a single blank. You can use nX to specify n blanks.

What is Outfil Removecc JCL?

If you do not want the ANSI carriage control characters in your report, you can add OUTFIL’s REMOVECC parameter to your OUTFIL statement. REMOVECC tells DFSORT to remove the carriage control character from the first byte of each record. As a result, the data starts in column 1 of the report rather than in column 2.

What is Inrec and Outrec?

INREC adds, deletes, or reformats fields before the records are sorted or merged. so that performance will be improved OUTREC adds, deletes, or reformats fields after the records are sorted or merged.

Can we use include and Outrec together?

Since the INCLUDEs have 1,1, it doesn’t matter if they operate against the input records or the reformatted records – position 1 has the same value eiter way. The second OUTREC statement is ignored as a duplicate.

How do you add zeros to Outrec?

Inserting binary zeros –

  1. Insert binary zeros as place holders for the new field.
  2. The new field may get to be filled in with data at a later date.
  3. Z or 1Z used to specify a single binary zero.
  4. nZ used to specify n binary zeros.

What is Inrec in sort?

The INREC control statement allows you to reformat the input records before they are sorted, merged, or copied. You can create the reformatted INREC records in one of the following ways using unedited, edited, or converted input fields.

How do you sort in JCL?

To use DFSORT directly (JCL-invoked), write a SORT control statement to describe the control fields, and the order in which you want them sorted. The control statements you write are part of the SYSIN data set in the JCL.

How do you add spaces in Outrec fields?

You can use X or 1X to specify a single blank. You can use nX to specify n blanks.To insert 10 blanks, write 10X before the first field. To insert 5 blanks, write 5X between the two fields. Inserting Zeros is similar to space but in place on X use Z .

What is Inrec overlay in sort?

INREC OVERLAY operation is used in order to rewrite data in input file before copying to output.

What is SORT fields in JCL?

The SORT control statement must be used when a sorting file is performed. This statement describes the control fields in the input records on which the program sorts. A SORT statement can also be used to specify a copy records.

Why do we need Joblib in JCL?

A JOBLIB statement is used in order to identify the location of the program to be executed in a JCL. The JOBLIB statement is specified after the JOB statement and before the EXEC statement. This can be used only for the in stream procedures and programs.

What is the difference between sort OUTREC and INREC?

OUTREC adds, deletes, or reformats fields after the records are sorted or merged. INREC adds, deletes, or reformats fields before the records are sorted or merged. so that performance will be improved SORT OUTREC Example JCL. Let us assume input file has following data and structure

How to reformat record in sort using OUTREC?

OUTREC in SORT. OUTREC syntax In OUTREC statement, you can reformat the record using below parameters. BUILD or FIELDS – Build parameter is used to reformat record. Build give complete control over output file format. BUILD parameter can be used on INREC and OUTREC statements in SORT card.

How to sort OUTREC FIELDS in JCL?

JCL – SORT OUTREC Fields 1 BUILD or FIELDS: Reformat each record by specifying all of its items one by one. 2 OVERLAY: Reformat each record by specifying just the items that overlay specific columns. 3 FINDREP: Reformat each record by doing various types of find and replace operations.

What is the difference between OUTREC FIELDS and copy?

SORT FIELDS=COPY It is for copy records to output file 2. OUTREC FIELDS= (7:2,5,20:10,3) (for formatting) Here we have two formattings, 1. 7:2,5 – Data at 2nd position of input file with length 5 copied to 7th position of output file 2. 20:10,3 – Data at 10th position of input file with length 3 copied to 20th position of output file