How do I know if my piercing is healing properly?

You’ll know your ear is healed once any discharge, swelling, redness, flaking, or soreness stops. In general, your piercing should continue to feel better with time and a consistent aftercare routine!

What are Crusties around piercings?

During the healing period, you can expect a bit of a white/yellow crust to form around/behind your jewelry. This crust is really just skin cells that have helped in healing your piercing and have now formed a bit of a scab around it. This doesn’t mean it’s infected, it’s just in the process of healing!

How quickly can a piercing get infected?

But infection symptoms won’t pop up the moment your piercing is exposed to bacteria. “Surprisingly, piercing infections do not typically happen until three to seven days after the initial piercing, sometimes more,” Dr. Mankarious says. “Bacteria need time to proliferate.”

Should I move my piercing while cleaning it?

–Always wash your hands before touching your piercing, but if you can help it, do not touch it (please refer to the first two rules of piercing). –Never spin the jewelry, move it back and forth, or move it while you’re cleaning it. The jewelry may feel tight or like it’s not moving around and that is OK.

What happens if you over clean a piercing?

This can cause unsightly lumps, redness, swelling or infection. To avoid red lumps, NEVER fiddle with the piercing or knock it. If you do acquire a lump then leaving it completely alone is the best option, not cleaning it multiple times a day which just aggravates it even further. OVER CLEANING WILL CAUSE INFECTION !

What piercings are least likely to get infected?

You should choose gold earrings, as this metal is less likely to cause an infection in newly-pierced ears. The earrings should also be post earrings, or small earrings that sit in your earlobe. By choosing a good piercer and earrings, you lessen your chances of getting an infected piercing.