What can you put in a slushie machine?

Yes, it is possible to put soda in a slushie machine. Nowadays, slushie machines are often used to make Coca-Cola slushie and other soft drinks. So, you don’t need to worry about it. But, it is suggested that you avoid using alcohol in the machine.

How much syrup do you put in a slush puppy machine?

You simply need to mix 1-part syrup to five parts water. This brand-new Cola flavour is the perfect accompaniment to the Slush Puppie making Cup or Slush Puppie Machine! This syrup will take you straight back to the long hot summers where nothing would cool you down like a Slush Puppie.

Can you put any liquid in a slush machine?

You can use any drink with a high sugar content (like OJ or cola) in your Slushie machine, but mixtures with a higher sugar content will freeze faster. We recommend a Slush Puppie syrup mixed with water in a 5 to 1 ratio.

Can you put alcohol into a slush machine?

You can fill the machine with Slushie mixers, add a bit of booze, or a lot of booze, flip a switch, and an hour later its game on. Nothing wrong with this approach but sometimes you want to achieve a frosty, brain freezing booze bomb with more of a fresh taste, or maybe there isn’t a mixer that fits the occasion.

Should you dilute Slush Puppie syrup?

For a Slush machine, dilute 1 part syrup to 5 parts water (eg 100Ml Syrup to 500Ml water) then follow instructions for your make and model machine. For Ice Lollies, dilute as above, pour into mold & freeze. For Slush cups dilute as above and follow cup instructions. For all other uses dilute to taste.

Can I put Coke in slush machine?

Add Coca-Cola in the liquid compartment and fix it on to the machine properly. 4. Press the freezing/start button and the machine will start producing delicious Coca-Cola slushies.

Do all slush machines need salt?

Answer: No, it is just the machine. You’ll need to have syrup, ice and salt for making the slush. (The salt doesn’t go in the drink).