What does Assertive Discipline look like in the classroom?

Central methods of assertive discipline: Make the rules very clear; don’t be ambiguous. Catch students being “good.” Recognize and support students when they behave appropriately. Consistently let students know you are happy with good behavior (be specific).

What is an example of Assertive Discipline?

developed by Lee and Marlene Canter. ex: “I can see that you have chosen to break the rules, you will need to stay in your seats one minute after class.” ex: “You will need to stay in your seats two minutes after class.” ex: “Take your cooks and move to the chair in the back of the room.”

How can I be more assertive in the classroom?

Assertive teachers listen carefully to what their students have to say, speak respectfully to them, and treat everyone fairly (not necessarily equally). 1. Dismiss the thought that there is any acceptable reason for misbehavior (Biologically based misbehavior may be an exception).

What is assertive approach in classroom management?

Assertive discipline is an obedience-based discipline approach to classroom management developed by Lee and Marlene Canter. It involves a high level of teacher control in the class. It is also called the “take-control” approach to teaching, as the teacher controls their classroom in a firm but positive manner.

What are the advantages of Assertive Discipline?

‘Assertive Discipline removes the teacher from the negative side of the discipline process because assertive teachers do not levy consequences. Students choose them. Assertive 42 EDUCATION 3 TO 13 JUNE 1999 Page 2 teachers do not punish students. Students are taught to accept the consequences for their own actions.

Why is assertiveness important in schools?

Assertiveness training can help students have a more accurate perception of their experiences and empower them to deal with distressing situations such as bullying, inappropriate and upsetting behaviors directed at them or classmates, overwhelming instructions, or confusion about lessons or how to follow Covid-19 …

How can positive discipline be effectively used in schools?

Positive discipline is a more effective way to manage misbehaving students in the classroom, rather than using punishment or rewards. It allows students to learn and adapt their behaviors to meet expectations in the classroom, while simultaneously teaching them how to make better choices in their path to adulthood.

Why is positive discipline important for effective teaching?

Positive discipline: Teaches children responsibility, self-discipline, problem-solving skills and cooperation. Is respectful to both children and adults. Builds trust and strengthens relationships, helping form new connections in a child’s brain.

Is Assertive Discipline effective?

It is concluded that the Assertive Discipline program is an effective and practical behavior management strategy that can yield socially valid outcomes.

What are the advantages of assertive discipline?

Why is being assertive important as teacher?

When measured in conjunction with responsiveness, a teacher’s level of assertiveness provides an overview of communication effectiveness. Teacher assertiveness is typically associated with task orientation, thus instructors who are assertive in the classroom tend to demonstrate more authority and control.