What should I record in my notary journal?
What should I record in my notary journal?
For most states with journal requirements, entries generally include some variation of date and type of notarization; type of document; name and address of the signer; and how the signer was identified. But the details of requirements vary from state to state.
Can an Oregon notary have an electronic journal?
An electronic journal is required for remote notarizations. The electronic journal will include the signature of the individual. You may also keep a paper journal. The paper journal must list “remote notarization” in the signature portion of the journal.
Do Notaries need to keep a journal?
In California, Notaries are required to keep their journals for as long as they remain Notaries. Once they stop being a Notary, they must turn their journals in to the county clerk in the county in which the Notary’s current oath of office is on file.
Who can view entries in a notary journal?
A Notary-employee must permit an employer to inspect journal entries that are directly associated with the employer’s business provided the Notary is physically present. The employer may not require Notary employees to provide access to journal entries unrelated to the employer’s business (Government Code 8206[d]).
Does Oregon require notary journal?
Oregon law requires all Notaries to get a seal stamp, journal, and a fee schedule.
Who is permitted to view all entries in the notary signing agent journal?
Code 8206[d], notaries are not allowed to disclose the contents of their notary journals to anyone. The law states that the journal is the sole property of the notary.
Can I use white out in my notary journal?
A notary must never white-out any mistakes, errors, or other information in the notarial certificate.
Can you notarize multiple documents at once?
If more than one document contains notarized signatures, the notary public must record the title or character of each document and a separate line must be used for each document.