What are the characteristics of pistia?

Pistia stratiotes is a perennial monocotyledon with thick, soft leaves that form a rosette. It floats on the surface of the water, its roots hanging submersed beneath floating leaves. The leaves can measure 2 – 15 cm long and are light green, with parallel venations and wavy margins.

What are the characteristics of water lettuce?

Leaves have prominent parallel veins and dense white hairs covering the leaf surface. Roots are numerous, feathery and dense, hanging unbranched 50-80 cm below the water; each root is covered with fine root hairs which give them a feather-like appearance.

What is the description of flower of water lettuce?

It floats on the water surface, with roots hanging below floating leaves. Its growth habit can make it a weed in waterways, where it can kill native submerged plants and reduce biodiversity. It is a common aquatic weed in the USA, and may clog waterways in warmer states such as Florida.

What is common name of Pistia stratiotes?

Water lettuce
Water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes)

Common Name: Water lettuce
Family: Araceae (Arum)
Duration: Perennial
Habit: Aquatics
USDA Symbol: PIST2

Is Pistia a floating plant?

Ecology: Pistia stratiotes is a free-floating, fast growing, obligate aquatic that can form vast, dense floating mats, covering the entire water surface of lakes and slow moving rivers (Langeland and Burks 1998). It is the sole species of this genus. In tropical and subtopical climates it is a perennial.

What is the flower of Pistia?

Pistia stratiotes

Family Name: Araceae
Common Name: Water Lettuce, Kiamfang, Water-Bonnet, Nile Cabbage, Shell-Flower, 水浮莲, 大萍

What are the uses of pistia?

Pistia stratiotes L. commonly known as water lettuce belongs to Araceae. It has been used in various medicines for the treatment of eczema, leprosy, ulcers, piles, stomach disorder, throat and mouth inflammation, a few to mention.

What can you say about water lettuce?

Water lettuce is a free-floating plant aquatic weed found in tropical countries worldwide, including Asia, Africa and equatorial America. Its country of origin is not clear. Water lettuce was introduced to Australia as an aquarium and water-garden plant.

What is the flower of pistia?

How does Pistia float?

Another free-swimming aquatic plant, the water lettuce or Pistia stratiotes, is covered with fine water-repellant hairs that trap air. The leaves of the water lettuce are arranged in rosettes that do indeed make it look much like a small head of lettuce. Leaves can also float by themselves.

Is Pistia a medicinal plant?