Why has my plum tree not flowered?

One of the most common causes of plum tree problems is the lack of a co-pollinator. Plums are not self-fruitful and need another of the same species nearby for pollen transfer. This is done with bees, moths, and other pollinator’s help. Pruning at the wrong time removes the buds necessary for flower and then fruit.

How long does it take for a plum tree to flower?

So, when does a plum tree bear fruit? A plum tree will produce fruit 3 to 6 years after planting (sooner if you buy more mature trees!). Plum trees produce fruit between June and September, after blooming in late winter to early spring. Dwarf varieties can produce fruit a year sooner (2 to 5 years after planting).

Do Greengages need a pollinator?

Plum and greengage trees have the same pollination necessities as described for apple tree pollination, though things are made slightly easier by the fact that there are more self-fertile varieties. If you plant a self-fertile plum, it will produce fruit without a pollination partner.

Why arent my trees blooming?

The failure to bloom can have several reasons. The tree needs to be suitable for your local climate, a location too warm can be just as detrimental as too cold. It requires a certain type of soil, the right amount of light, sufficient fertilizer with the right nutrient content, and correct pruning at the right time.

Why are my fruit trees not producing?

1 reason for failure of trees to bear fruit is improper tree vigor. Over vigorous trees expend all their energy in growing wood and don’t produce flower buds. Typically, this occurs for two reasons: over-fertilization and over-pruning.

How do you take care of a greengage tree?

Growing Greengages Position in a sheltered, sunny spot and plant into well-drained, fertile soil. Drive a stake into the planting hole before placing the tree, to avoid root damage. Keep free from weeds and water regularly.

What will pollinate green Gage plum?

It is self-pollinating. The tree remains compact and has never needed severe pruning. Cultivation and harvesting: The ‘Green Gage’ plum is an easy, low- maintenance fruit tree. It is productive in moderate winter climates, which makes it particularly suitable to the Bay Area.

When should you prune a greengage tree?

Pruning and training: Greengages fruit mostly on new wood so excessive pruning isn’t required. These can be grown as bushes with remedial pruning in late spring. Overladen branches will need to be supported. Alternatively, train as a fan (see panel, page 56) and tie into the wall.