What is an example of balkanization in AP Human Geography?

Balkanized. A small geographic area that could not successfully be organized into one or more stable states because it was inhabited by many ethnicities with complex, long-standing antagonisms toward each other. Israel is a good example of being Balkanized.

What are some examples of balkanization?


  • Bosnia: Serbians in Bosnia fought to break away from Bosnia and join Serbian dominated Yugoslavia.
  • Kashmir: Muslims in the state of Jammu and Kashmir are fighting to break away from india.
  • Nigeria: the southeastern part of Nigeria declared themselves to be the independent State of Biafara.

What does the term balkanization mean quizlet?

balkanization. process by which a state breaks down through conflicts among its ethnicities. balkanized. a small geographic area that could not successfully be organized into one or more stable states because it was inhabited by many ethnicities with complex, long-standing antagonisms toward each other.

Which of the following is not a potential cause of balkanization?

Which of the following is NOT a potential cause of Balkanization? ANSWER: A STRONG CENTRAL GOVT. Which of the following represent a synonymous relationships?

What is the opposite of balkanization?

Antonyms & Near Antonyms for balkanized. unanimous, undivided, united.

What is the definition Balkanization?

balkanize \BAWL-kuh-nyze\ verb. 1 : to break up (a region, a group, etc.) into smaller and often hostile units. 2 : divide, compartmentalize.

What is the difference between Balkanization and a Shatterbelt?

As a shatter belt, the Balkan Peninsula had seen the division of the larger regions or countries into smaller regions or countries for many centuries, often as a result of war. Because of this long history, this process of division has become known as Balkanization.

What is the meaning of balkanization?
