What weeds does isoxaben control?

Major Weeds Controlled Many broadleaf weeds including chickweed, bittercress, oxalis, horseweed, dogfennel, and spurge.

What does 75 WG mean?

Isoxaben 75 WG is a professional herbicide that provides up to 8 months of control for broadleaf weeds with just one application. Isoxaben 75 WG will control weeds such as Dandelion, Chickweed, Clover, Lambsquarter, and Thistle.

What products contain isoxaben?

Pesticide Safety

Brands & Specific Products Herbicide Active Ingredient % Active Ingredientin Product
Bayer BioAdvanced Season Long Weed Control for Lawns Dicamba 0.52
Isoxaben 2.63
Hi-Yield Atrazine Weed Killer Atrazine 4.00
Southern Ag Atrazine St. Augustine Weed Killer Atrazine 4.00

How long does isoxaben last?

The half-life of isoxaben in soil after fall appli- cation was approximately 5 mo, with 20% of the applied herbicide persisting after 12 mo.

How do you mix isoxaben?

For spot treatment using Isoxaben 75WG mix at a rate of 0.25 to 0.50 oz. per gallon of water to treat 1,000 square feet. Step 2: Fill a hand sprayer halfway with water and then add the appropriate amount of Isoxaben based on your calculations.

Is isoxaben toxic?

Acute toxicity: Isoxaben has moderate toxicity if it gets on the skin, and very low toxicity if eaten or inhaled. Chronic toxicity: Rats fed isoxaben in the diet for two years showed blood chemistry changes, body weight changes, and increased organ weights at moderate and high doses.

How do I use isoxaben?

Isoxaben should be applied in late summer to early fall, in early spring, or any time prior to germination of target weeds, or immediately after cultivation. Most applications should be followed up by watering the area so the product better incorporates into the soil surface.

Does isoxaben prevent crabgrass?

(Products: Gallery 75DF, Isoxaben 75 WG) works only on broadleaf weeds, so it is not effective on crabgrass. It is a long lasting (8 month) preventer for broadleaf weeds though.

Is there a pre-emergent for Clover?

What is this? Pre-emergents prevent new clover seeds from germinating. If you already have clover in your lawn you will need to use a post-emergent herbicide in addition to a pre-emergent. Pre-emergent herbicides are also the key to preventing other lawn weeds such as crabgrass, and dandelions from taking over.

What is Isoxaben used for?

Isoxaben is a pre-emergent selective herbicide used to control broadleaf weeds. Its mode of action is a cellulose biosynthesis inhibitor and is useful where there are herbicide resistant weeds. It is to be applied prior to weed germination.

Are lawn pesticides harmful?

Mounting evidence shows that pesticide contamination has harmful effects in humans, pets, wildlife, birds, bees, and other beneficial insects. Exposure to pesticides can be acute – a big amount at once, such as when a toddler walks over a recently treated lawn and winds up severely ill and possibly hospitalized.

What month do you put down pre-emergent?

To avoid winter and fall weeds like bluegrass and prickly lettuce, apply a pre-emergent herbicide from August to November. To get ahead of early spring and summer weeds, apply pre-emergent herbicides around mid-March.