What is plebe year like at USNA?

Plebe Summer is the summer training program which is required of all incoming freshmen to the United States Naval Academy. The program lasts approximately 7 weeks and consists of rigorous physical and mental training. The stated purpose of Plebe Summer according to the Academy is to “turn civilians into midshipmen”.

How hard is Naval Academy Plebe Summer?

Plebe Summer is a challenging six weeks of basic midshipmen training. The pressure and rigor of Plebe Summer is carefully designed to help plebes prepare for their first academic year at the Naval Academy and the four years of challenges which await them.

Do plebes get weekends off?

Plebes have town liberty on Saturdays (noon to midnight) and yard liberty within the Naval Academy complex on Sundays. Town liberty is granted for upperclass midshipmen in accordance with class weekends.

Can plebes have cell phones?

Midshipmen are allowed to use their cell phones, but cannot walk and be on the phone when in uniform. During Plebe Summer, they will get three phone calls home for about 20 minutes each time. There will be NO cell phones available at any other time during Plebe Summer.

Do you have fun at the Naval Academy?

Once in a Lifetime Experience While life at the USNA is demanding a challenging, ask any Naval Officer and, they will say it was the best time of their lives. Although it is strenuous, there are opportunities for relaxation and fun.

How do plebes train for the summer?

This is just some of what’s required to get ready for Plebe Summer: Five days a week, complete 90 minutes of strenuous physical calisthenics to increase cardio-respiratory fitness, muscular strength, endurance, flexibility, and confidence (including exercises like push-ups, toe raises, planks, swimming, and biking).

How many plebes drop out of Plebe Summer?

Plebe Summer isn’t fazing the U.S. Naval Academy’s Class of 2018. With a week left in the academy’s rigorous summer training program, about 10 plebes have dropped out, according to several people close to the academy.

How many miles do you run during plebe summer?

At the end of Plebe Summer and during each semester, each Midshipman is required to pass the USNA PRT. The test consists of two minutes of push-ups conducted on 2 second cadence, a timed isometric plank-hold position followed by a timed 1.5 mile run.

Do people date at the Naval Academy?

Dating at the Naval Academy is not like dating at other universities. There are several obstacles including that there are three male midshipmen for every female, all romantic acts are no-nos on the academy yard and everyone is undergoing intense academic and physical training to become a naval officer.

Are there parties at USNA?

Annapolis is not a “party school,” but there are plenty of opportunities to take advantage of the nightlife of Annapolis—after you turn 21. Excursions to nearby Washington DC and Baltimore are popular. Football tailgaters are a focal point of social life during the fall semester.