What are the features of the 1922 constitution?

FEATURES OF THE CLIFFORD CONSTITUTION It encouraged the development of political parties. Members in the legislative council were increased (46 members). Elective principle was restricted to Lagos and Calabar. Northern Province was not represented.

What are the main features of Macpherson constitution?

The main features were:

  • Election to any post must be by direct and indirect methods.
  • The Central legislative body is known as “house of representative” it was a single chamber legislative.
  • The Central Executive is made up of the president, 6 ex-officials members and 12 ministers.
  • Only male tax payers voted in the north.

What are the features of Lyttleton constitution of 1954?

In summary, Lyttleton constitution of 1954 made Nigeria a federation, spelt out areas of jurisdiction between the two levels of government, reinforced direct election, made some ministers heads of departments and provided the post of premier for the regions.

In what way is the 1922 Clifford Constitution in Nigeria significant?

1. The Clifford constitution brought the elective principle into Nigeria which paved way for elective representation of Nigerians. 2. It spurred the formation of parties with the interests of Nigerians and increased Nationalism.

What are the features of Lyttleton constitution?

The main features of the Lyttleton Constitution may be summarised as follows:

  • Introduction of federalism.
  • Regional autonomy.
  • Office of Governor-General.
  • Retention of House of Representatives.
  • Council of Ministers.
  • Regional Legislature.
  • Regional executive council.
  • The police.

Why is the Macpherson constitution Important?

Merits of the MacPherson Constitution of 1951 The constitution provided for the decentralization of power to the different regions. The House of Representatives and the Regional legislature were given wide powers to make laws for the good of the country. They were no longer mere debating houses.

What are the features of 1999 constitution?

Highlights of the 1999 Constitution of Nigeria The constitution maintained the presidential system of government. The constitution adopted bicameral legislature, consisting the House of Senate and representatives and house of assembly for each state and councilors for local government.

What were some of the achievements of the Lyttleton constitution?

ACHIEVEMENTS OR MERITS OF LYTTLETON’S CONSTITUTION It introduced federal structure in Nigeria. It established the offices of the speaker and deputy speaker. It introduced direct election into federal and regional legislatures. Ministers were made heads of departments.