What is an example of rapturous?

feeling great rapture or delight. 1, She was greeted with rapturous applause . 2, She was given a rapturous reception by the crowd. 3, The students gave him a rapturous welcome, chanting in unison: “We want the king!”.

What’s another word for rapturous?

In this page you can discover 13 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for rapturous, like: ecstatic, happy, rapt, enchanted, delighted, enraptured, rousing, applause, rapturously, raptuous and ovation.

What does rapturous applause mean?

showing extreme pleasure and happiness or excitement
/ˈræp.tʃɚ.əs/ showing extreme pleasure and happiness or excitement: The play was greeted with rapturous applause. The team received a rapturous welcome. Synonyms.

How do you use rapturous in a sentence?

Rapturous sentence example

  1. Sonya now was sixteen and she was very pretty, especially at this moment of happy, rapturous excitement.
  2. The audience gave him a rapturous standing ovation which lasted at least 14 seconds.

Where does the word rapturous come from?

The root word of rapturous is the Latin raptus or “a carrying off,” and until the mid-1600s, that’s exactly what rapture was used to mean.

Can a person be rapturous?

The adjective rapturous is great for describing someone who’s delighted, like the rapturous excitement of a room full of teenagers at their favorite pop star’s concert, or the rapturous look on a child’s face when she opens her birthday present and finds exactly what she had hoped for.

How do you use rapturous?

How do you use blithely in a sentence?

without much thought, concern, or care:I blithely went ahead with my project without really considering the impact it would have on my career. in a joyous or happy way; cheerfully or lightheartedly:Left to my own devices I would blithely live the rest of my days imagining new recipes and tweaking old ones.

How do you use torturous in a sentence?

Torturous sentence example

  1. Wool bedding in summer seems downright torturous at first glance.
  2. To me this seems torturous and punitive, like pouring salt on an open cut.
  3. Some NDErs recount how they descended into hell and saw all kinds of torturous existences found only in the darkest of nightmares.

What is rapturous in a sentence?

A rapturous feeling or reaction is one of extreme happiness or enthusiasm. The students gave him a rapturous welcome. The Pope received a rapturous reception. The conference greeted the speech with rapturous applause.

What does blithely mean?

1 : lacking due thought or consideration : casual, heedless blithe unconcern a blithe disregard for the rights of others. 2 : of a happy lighthearted character or disposition a blithe spirit blithe enjoyment.