What is the current edition of the MUTCD?

2009 MUTCD
The current version of the MUTCD is the 2009 MUTCD with Revision Numbers 1 and 2 incorporated, which became effective on June 13, 2012.

What does the MUTCD stand for?

The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, or MUTCD defines the standards used by road managers nationwide to install and maintain traffic control devices on all public streets, highways, bikeways, and private roads open to public travel.

What are 3 types of operations that Caltrans performs?

Traffic Operations

  • Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Facility (CVEF)
  • Legal Truck Access | CA Truck Network Maps.
  • Transportation Permits (Oversize/Overweight Vehicles)
  • Weigh-In-Motion (WIM)
  • 45′ Buses & Motorhomes.

What are three types of protective vehicles that Caltrans use?

There are two types of protective vehicles: Barrier Vehicle: A vehicle, usually unoccupied, which is parked between the oncoming traffic and a stationary work site. Shadow Vehicle: A vehicle with an attenuator which follows a survey operation moving in the direction of traffic.

What is a traffic control device Florida?

“Traffic control device” is a technical term for any of the many traffic signals, signs, and other devices you see on roads daily. Common traffic control device violations include: Running a red light or stop sign. Failing to yield at a yield sign. Making an illegal U-turn.

What does a yellow curb mean in PA?

No parking
Yellow: No parking. A vehicle can stop only long enough to load or unload passengers.

How many colors are designated in the MUTCD for traffic control devices use?

05 Colors
05 Colors. Standard: 01 Markings shall be yellow, white, red, blue, or purple.

How do you reference the MUTCD?

A : The MUTCD is adopted by reference in accordance with Title 23, United States Code, Section 109(d) and Title 23, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 655.603, and is approved as the national standard for designing, applying, and planning traffic control devices.

What colors must traffic control signs use according to Mutcd?

A white background indicates a regulatory sign; yellow conveys a general warning message; green shows permitted traffic movements or directional guidance; fluorescent yellow/green indicates pedestrian crossings and school zones; orange is used for warning and guidance in roadway work zones; coral is used for incident …

How tall should stop slow paddles be?

8 inches high
STOP/SLOW Paddle STOP/SLOW paddles must be at least 24-by-24 inches with letters at least 8 inches high and should be fabricated from light, semi-rigid material.