How do I delete user roles in WordPress?

In your WordPress admin menu, go to “Capabilities”. In the top-right corner of this screen, look for the “Select Role to View / Edit” dropdown. Choose the role you want to delete.

How do I give someone access to my WordPress site?

Adding Users to Your Site

  1. Click on Users in your dashboard.
  2. Click the + Invite button.
  3. Enter the email address or username of the person you would like to invite.
  4. Select a role for this person (learn about each role in the next section.)

Can a WordPress editor role edit pages?

WordPress comes with a robust user roles and permissions system. It allows you to add users under different user roles, and each user role comes with different capabilities. One of these user roles is called Editor. Users with the editor user role can edit all posts and pages on your website.

How do I change permissions in WordPress editor?

To add permissions, simply check a box, on the flip side, to remove permissions, uncheck the box. Options worth pointing out are the Edit Others and Delete Others columns in their respective boxes. This will prevent any editors from editing content that is not their own.

How do I manage a WordPress role?

How to Change WordPress User Roles

  1. Log in to the WordPress Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to User > Add New.
  3. Click on or hover over the user name, then click Edit.
  4. Scroll down Role, then click on the drop-down to view the available roles.
  5. Select the new role for your user.
  6. Scroll down and click Update User to save your changes.

What is a best practice you can follow to keep your WordPress site from being hacked?

If you make it harder for hackers to find certain backdoors then you are less likely to be attacked. Locking down your WordPress admin area and login is a good way to beef up your security. Two great ways to do this is first by changing your default wp-admin login URL and also limiting login attempts.