Do I have to worry about bears in Yellowstone?

Both black and grizzly bears are frequently encountered in and around Yellowstone Park, and both species are unpredictable. Since it can be difficult to tell the two species apart, hikers are best advised to be wary of all bears.

Do people get attacked by bears in Yellowstone?

There is an average of one bear attack per year in Yellowstone. In 2011 and 2015, in separate incidents, three visitors were killed by bears inside the park.

What are the chances of seeing a bear at Yellowstone?

The chances of you seeing a bear as you walk or drive around Yellowstone is virtually nil. On the last trip, we stopped every time we passed the area where mama bear was hanging out with her two cubs (along with dozens of others) and only caught sight of a cub as we drove past on the last day in a van.

What to do if a bear approaches you Yellowstone?

If the bear sees you, retreat slowly and leave the area. If possible, slowly walk upwind to let your scent reach the bear. Regardless of the distance, never approach the bear. If a bear stands up on two legs, it’s probably trying to gather information about you rather than being aggressive.

Do I need bear spray to hike in Yellowstone?

Whether you’re heading to Yellowstone National Park to go hiking, fishing, wildlife viewing, or simply to take photographs, it is critical that you carry bear spray (and know how to use it!)

What month are bears most active?

If you want to give yourself the best chance to see an active bear, September and October are the best months. Bears are most active during this period, preparing for their lengthy hibernation. Some of the most popular activities for bears include snoozing, wandering, and fishing.

Should you wave your arms if you see a black bear?

Identify yourself by talking calmly so the bear knows you are a human and not a prey animal. Remain still; stand your ground but slowly wave your arms. Help the bear recognize you as a human. It may come closer or stand on its hind legs to get a better look or smell.

How do you avoid bears when hiking?

How to Avoid Bears While Hiking

  1. Avoid hiking at dawn or dusk. That’s when bears are most active.
  2. Hike in a group of four or more and stay close together; groups of that size are less likely to be attacked.
  3. Make noise as you hike in order not to surprise a bear.
  4. Carry bear spray.

How do you keep black bears away from campsite?


  1. Choose an open site away from dense vegetation, natural food areas, forest cover, or natural pathways Avoid messy sites and areas with bear sign: torn apart logs, tracks, trampled brush, scat, claw marks on trees.
  2. Secure all scented items by hanging at least 10 feet off ground and 5 feet from tree.