How will you experimentally demonstrate the effect of pH on enzyme action?

Use a pipette to remove a few drops of solution every 20 seconds from the test tube and put them into a different well of the spotting tile. Repeat until the iodine solution stops turning black. Record the time this takes. Repeat with different pH solutions.

How can pH affect catalase activity experiment?

The relative reaction rate (volume of oxygen evolved during five minutes) was plotted against pH. The control showed the same enzyme activity each time the experiment was run. The relative reaction rate increased with pH – up to the optimum value (around 6.3) and then decreased at higher pH values.

How would you control pH in an enzyme controlled experiment?

The enzyme amylase breaks down starch into maltose. If the enzyme is working effectively, this will happen quickly. The shortest time for the starch to disappear is at pH 7. This is therefore the optimum pH for amylase….Results.

pH of buffer solution Time taken for starch to disappear (s)
7 60
8 120

What is the control in a pH experiment?

When testing the effect of pH on enzyme activity, vary only the pH while holding other factors constant. These other factors include enzyme concentration, substrate concentration and temperature. The factors that remain constant are called the control variables.

How do you vary pH in an experiment?

If the pH is higher than desired, adjust it using a hydrochloric acid solution. If the pH is lower than desired, adjust it using sodium hydroxide solution. Fill a plastic pipette with the correct solution, add a few drops to the solution in the beaker and wait at least 20 seconds before reading the pH on the meter.

How does pH affect catalase reaction?

In the case of catalase, the optimum pH is approximately pH 7.0. That is, catalase works best at a neutral pH. If the solution is too acidic (low pH value) or too basic (high pH value) the catalase is inactive and no longer functions as an enzyme.

What would be an appropriate control when testing for the effect on an enzyme on the rate of a given reaction?

An appropriate control would be to keep the temperature, initial glucose amount, initial enzyme concentration, salinity, and pressure constant. This would increase the results’ validity because it would ensure that the pH is the only thing effecting the enzyme’s rate of reaction.

How do you control enzyme concentration in an experiment?

The main factors which will affect the activity of an enzyme on a given substrate are:

  1. Temperature (use water baths to minimise fluctuations)
  2. pH (acidic or alkaline solutions)
  3. Substrate concentration (choose range to avoid saturation)
  4. Presence of inhibitor (type of inhibitor will be enzyme-specific)

How can you determine the optimal pH of an enzyme?

The optimal pH can be measured by looking at enzyme activity verses pH. Enzyme activity will increase up to a certain pH; above that pH, the enzyme activity will begin to fall. Graphically, measurement of optimal pH will look like a mountain. The very top indicates the optimal pH.

How does pH affect enzyme activity hypothesis?

Hypothesis: pH: pH could affect the activity of the enzyme (catalase). Cause if the environment is to acidic or to basic compared to the natural environment of the enzyme, it could denature the enzyme and prevent it from working. Temperature: Temperature could affect the activity of the enzyme (catalase).

What is the effect of pH on catalase enzyme activity?

This is due to the fact that this pH does not affect the active site. The catalase and hydrogen peroxide bond form water and oxygen successfully. PH 7 allows the reaction to take place faster as enzyme-substrate complexes can be formed to produce a product.

What is the optimum pH range for denaturing catalase?

This process of denaturing only occurs when the enzyme is operating in an environment outside of its optimum range. It is hypothesised that the optimum range for catalase in this IA is between pH 6 and pH 8.

What does the catalase enzyme do in the liver?

The catalase enzyme breaks it down into Hydrogen (H2) and Oxygen (O2). This is an example of the liver performing its function of using specialized enzymes to help it break down toxic substances and thus make them safer for the body to process.

What are the independent and dependent variables in catalase reactions?

Independent variable: pH of hydrogen peroxide. Dependent variable: whether the pH of the hydrogen peroxide has an effect on the catalase. Constants: room temperature, 2 grams of potato, 15 mL of hydrogen peroxide, 10 mL of pH changing substance, and 2 minute for a reaction to occur.