How do you perform namaz e Taraweeh?

How Do We Pray Tarawih at Home?

  1. Pray Isha (four raka’as)
  2. Pray two raka’as sunnah of Isha.
  3. Set your intention to start praying tarawih/qiyam.
  4. Take a short break.
  5. Pray the next four raka’as (again, two raka’as at a time).
  6. Here, you can either end your tarawih and move on to witr, or continue praying.

What is Namaz e Taraweeh?

Taraweeh prayer is one of the specialities of Ramadan nights; for the entire month, Muslims line up at night to observe a number of optional rakats of prayers and listen to and reflect on the recitation of the Quran.

What is the dua of tarabi?

What is the intention (dua) for Taraweeh prayers? نويت ان اصلى لله تعالى ركعتى صلوة التراويح سنة رسول الله تعالى متوجها الى جهة الكعبة الشريفة الله اكبر. Pronunciation: Nawaituan Usalia Lillahi Ta’ala, Raka’tai Salatit Taraweeh Sunnatu Rasoolillahi Ta’ala Mutawaj-jihan Ila Jihatil Ka’batish Sharifati, Allahu Akbar.

What surahs do you read in Taraweeh?

Recite Surah al Fātiḥah. It must be recited in each of the two rak’ahs of Taraweeh. It is “Alhamdu lillahi rabbi ‘aalameen; Ar-rahmanir raheem; Maaliki yawmid deen; Iyyaka na’budu wa-iyyaaka nasta’eeen; Ihdinas siraatal mustaqeem; Siraatal latheena an’aamta ‘alayhim; Ghayril maghdoobi ‘alayhim walad dhaalleen”.

Is Taraweeh Sunnat or nafal?

Tarawih prayers are considered optional (sunnah), or in other words, not obligatory. However, it is believed that the reward for them is great.

How many Rakats are there in Taraweeh?

Tarawih prayers are prayed in pairs. According to the Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi’ and Hanbali schools of Sunni Islam, the standard number of rakats is twenty referring it to a narration in Muwatta’ Imam Malik which said that “In the time of Umar, the people used to offer 20 raka’āt”.

What is the Taraweeh Niyat?

Taraweeh is performed after Isha and comprises twenty Rakats that are performed throughout Ramadan, between the night prayer (Salat-Al-Isha) and the odd-numbered prayer (Salat-Al-Witr).

How many Rakats are in Taraweeh in Ramadan?

What do you recite during Taraweeh?

When you’re ready to begin, make the intention of Taraweeh, raise your hands to your ears, and say, “Allahu Akbar,” then place your right hand over your left hand. Next, recite the Du’a al Istiftah and Surah al Fātiḥah. Once you’re done, say “Allahu Akbar” and bend down into ruku’ position.