What is Naresh Chandra Committee?

The Naresh Chandra committee is the third major corporate governance initiative launched in India since the mid-1990s, after the first voluntary code of corporate governance by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) in 1998, followed by Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement by SEBI in 2000.

What is corporate governance report in India?

The report tracks corporate disclosure practices among India’s top 100 publicly listed corporations in terms of voluntary disclosures, board quality and risk disclosures. The Company focuses at following the global best practices.

What is Naresh Chandra Committee recommended?

The report of the Naresh Chandra Committee on Corporate Audit and Governance had suggested that auditors should refrain from providing non-audit services to their audit clients and had recommended an explicit list of prohibited non-audit services.

What is JJ Irani Committee?

The present Committee was constituted on 2nd December, 2004 under the chairmanship of Dr. J J Irani, Director, Tata Sons, with the task of advising the Government on the proposed revisions to the Companies Act, 1956.

What is Kumar Mangalam Birla committee?

KUMAR MANGALAM BIRLA COMMITTEE In early 1999, Securities and Exchange Board of India(SEBI) had set up a committee under Shri Kumar Mangalam Birla, member SEBI Board, to promote and raise the standards of good corporate governance.

What is Narayan Murthy Committee?

The Committee on Corporate Governance, headed by Shri Narayanmurthy was constituted by SEBI, to evaluate the existing corporate governance practices and to improve these practices as the standards themselves were evolving with market dynamics.

What is Narayan Murthy committee?

Why JJ Irani committee was constituted?

J.J. A Committee was constituted on 2nd December, 2004 under the Chairmanship of Dr. J J Irani, the then Director, Tata Sons. The Expert Committee had recommended that private and small companies need to be given flexibilities and freedom of operations and compliance at a low cost.

What is JJ Irani committee?