What is Mission Possible Science Olympiad?

Mission Possible B is an event in which teams make a Rube Goldberg device that uses certain tasks and runs as close as possible to the ideal time to gain the maximum number of points.

Is Science Olympiad Virtual this year?

The tournament will be hosted virtually, as a Satellite SO tournament. The tournament will feature use of the Scilympiad platform for running the official tournament events.

How many events can you compete in Science Olympiad?

23 events
At a Science Olympiad Tournament, students work together in teams of up to 15 to compete in 23 events. The events change from year to year, covering fields and topics including: anatomy and biology, earth science, chemistry, physics, geology, mechanical and structural engineering, and technology.

What is a Boomilever?

Boomilever: A cantilevered wood structure. More simply, a wood structure that is attached to a wall from a single point or area that holds weight. A Boomilever is made up of two different main pieces: compression and tension.

Who are the crimebusters?

The Crimebusters was an incredibly short-lived team of super-heroes that Captain Metropolis attempted to organize in 1966 to replace the Minutemen, who had retired over 15 years earlier.

What is Green Generation Science Olympiad?

Green Generation is an event for the 2022 season which focuses on aquatic issues, air quality issues and climate change. In 2016, it focused on terrestrial issues and population growth issues.

How do you build Boomilever on Sky Civ?

How to Design a Boomilever using SkyCiv, in 6 Easy Steps

  1. Model your Structure. Start by modelling (building) your structure in SkyCiv Structural 3D (S3D).
  2. Add your Balsa Wood Material. The main Science Olympiad Material used is Balsa Wood.
  3. Add your Section.
  4. Add Loads!
  5. Review the Results.
  6. Get the Structure Weight.