How do you make a 1m solution of HEPES?

1 M HEPES, pH = 7.0

  1. Add 119.15 g HEPES (free acid) to a suitable container and make up to 400ml with distilled water.
  2. Add solid NaOH a few pellets at a time while mixing until the pH is ~6.8.
  3. Add concentrated NaOH dropwise to achieve pH = 7.0.
  4. Add distilled water to a final volume of 500 ml.

What is HEPES medium?

HEPES is a zwitterionic organic chemical buffering agent; one of the twenty Good’s buffers. HEPES is frequently added to cell culture media in applications when pH maintenance is critical and normal bicarbonate buffering is not sufficient. It has no nutritional benefit to cells.

How do you make 20mm HEPES?

The method calls for 20 mM HEPES pH 7.2. You can prepare this in a number of ways. One typical way is prepare a stock solution of 0.5 or 1 M HEPES from solid, with the pH adjusted to 7.2 using NaOH. This is then diluted to make the 20 mM buffer.

How much HEPES do you add to the media?

10mM to 25 mM
HEPES may be added to cell culture media at a final concentration of 10mM to 25 mM to provide additional buffering capacity if required. Lower concentrations are usually not adequate to control fluctuations in pH, and higher concentrations are often toxic.

What is the concentration of HEPES?

The most commonly used concentration is 25mM. HEPES has no nutritional benefit to cells. It is added to the media solely for extra buffering capacity when cell culture requires extended periods of manipulation outside of a CO2 incubator.

How do you titrate HEPES buffer?

A buffer solution of HEPES can be prepared by any of several methods. The free acid can be added to water, then titrated with approximately one-half mole equivalent of sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide to the pH desired, a simple mixing table for preparing 0.05 M HEPES/NaOH has been published.

Why HEPES buffer is used?

HEPES is widely used in cell culture, largely because it is better at maintaining physiological pH despite changes in carbon dioxide concentration (produced by aerobic respiration) when compared to bicarbonate buffers, which are also commonly used in cell culture.

How do you make 1m glycine solution?

Glycine (0.1 M, pH 2.2) Preparation and Recipe

  1. Prepare 800 mL of distilled water in a suitable container.
  2. Add 7.5 g of Glycine (Sigma G7126) to the solution.
  3. Adjust the pH to 2.2 with HCl.
  4. Add distilled water until the volume is 1 L.
  5. Autoclave.

How do you make a 20 mM Tris HCl buffer?

1. Dissolve Tris base in 1 L of double destilled water. 2. Adjust pH of the solution to 7.4 with HCl solution.