What is the difference between Stirling cycle and Ericsson cycle?

The main differences between them are the regeneration processes with two isochoric (constant volume) regeneration processes for the Stirling cycle and two isobaric (constant pressure) regeneration processes for the Ericsson cycle.

Is Stirling cycle reversible?

The cycle is reversible, meaning that if supplied with mechanical power, it can function as a heat pump for heating or cooling, and even for cryogenic cooling.

How does the Ericsson cycle work?

In Ericsson cycle heat is added and rejected at constant pressure. Also, compression and extension will take place at a constant temperature. Ericsson Cycle consists of a regenerator and a heat exchanger. In this cycle, a regenerator is used.

What are the four processes that make up the Ericsson cycle?

Ericsson cycle consists of four processes on a pressure- volume diagram, (1-2), rejection of heat constant pressure, (2-3), isothermal compression, (3-4), addition of heat at constant pressure and (4-1), isothermal expansion.

Where is Stirling cycle used?

Stirling engines are energy conversion devices that may be used as prime movers, refrigerating engines or heat pumps. Currently they are used commercially as cryogenic cooling systems and are under development as low noise, low emission automotive engines.

What is the difference between Otto cycle and Atkinson cycle?

An Atkinson cycle has a greater work output and a higher thermal efficiency than the Otto cycle at the same operating condition. The compression ratios that maximize the work of the Otto cycle are always found to be higher than those for the Atkinson cycle at the same operating conditions.

Is the Ericsson cycle reversible?

The Ericsson cycle consists of two isothermal and two constant pressure processes. The processes are: Process 1-2: Reversible isothermal compression.

Is Otto cycle a reversible cycle?

The four-stroke Otto cycle is made up of the following four internally reversible processes: 1–2, isentropic compression; 2–3, constant-volume heat addition; 3–4, isentropic expansion; and 4–1, constant-volume heat rejection.