What are the three types of sets found in a Usmtf message quizlet?

There are three types of data sets: mandatory, indicated by an “M” in the USMTF Format Guide; optional, indicated by an “O”; and conditional, indicated by a “C”.

Which of the following is a responsibility of the Jreap Blos?

JREAP manages communications of the tactical data over long distances without degradation to the message format or content. By reformatting the messages, the tactical data can be transmitted Beyond Line-of Sight (BLOS).

What is responsible for promulgating the Optask link message?

Who is assigned the responsibility to promulgate the OPTASK LINK. The MTA is the physical configuration, functional organization, and operational procedures used in the design, establishment, modification, and operation of Multi-TDL Networks. More simply, the MTA is the physical connections and equipment of the MTN.

Which of the following statements best describes the purpose of the MTN?

Which of the following statements best describes the purpose of the MTN? To satisfy the warfighters’ IERs.

How many Jtids Mids net numbers are there?

JTIDS/MIDS Network: The JTIDS/MIDS structure (usable only with Mode 1 communications) having a total usable capacity of 98,304 time slots per epoch per net and 128 nets.

What are the three types of words that make up a J series message?

What are the three types of J-Words in a J-series message? Initial, Extension, and Continuation.

How does Jreap a work?

JREAP A uses an Announced Token Passing protocol for half-duplex communications. This protocol may be used when several terminals share the same JRE media and take turns transmitting or in a broadcast situation when one transmits and the rest receive.

What is Optask link?

The OPTASK LINK formatted message is used by NATO and many other nations to provide tasking to units operating Tactical Data Links (TDLs). While the OPTASK LINK has been in use for many years, it is constantly evolving to allow for the inclusion of new systems.

What are the two types of link 16 capacity?

Link 16 uses two types of encryption including TRANSEC and Message Encryption (MSEC) and thus requires two crypto variables for a Partitioned Variable Mode (PVM) NPG or one variable for CVM NPG. (a) TDMA.

Who invented Link 16?

This Tactical Data Link (TDL) network was developed by ViaSat Inc. and Data Link Solutions (DLS) LLC to improve interoperability and support joint operations of land, sea, and air forces. The main application of Link 16 is as an air and missile defense command and control system.

Who created Link 16?

ViaSat Inc.
Link 16 is a Tactical Data Link (TDL) developed by ViaSat Inc. and Data Link Solutions (DLS) LLC that networks communication between land, sea, and air forces to support joint operations and improve interoperability.

Is Jreap a data link?

JREAP C is a secure data link interface that encapsulates JREAP over IP using IP-based networks for the exchange of information.