What sharks can you keep NSW?

Sharks and rays Only 1 tiger, mako, hammerhead # or whaler/ blue shark. # Only smooth hammerheads may be taken. Great and scalloped hammerheads are protected species in NSW and must be released immediately with minimal harm.

Can you keep banjo shark Victoria?

Stingrays, Banjo sharks, skates and rays. The rule changes are: Prohibit the take or possession of stingrays, skates or guitarfish greater than 1.5 metres in wide. Reduce the combined daily bag limit for rays, skates and guitarfish less than 1.5 metres wide from 5 to 1.

Is shark fishing legal in NSW?

NSW does not permit the harvest of sharks listed as threatened or endangered, and strong penalties are in place to protect such species. Sharks are particularly vulnerable to over fishing due to their low reproductive rate.

What is a banjo shark?

guitarfish, also called Fiddler Ray, or Banjo Shark, an order (Rhinobatiformes) of fish closely related to the rays. The order contains some 47 to 50 species arranged in three families (Platyrhinidae, Rhinobatidae, and Rhynchobatidae). shovelnose guitarfish.

How big do sharks have to be to keep?

Answer: (C) The minimum size for most sharks that can be kept recreationally is 54 inches fork length. This includes blacktip, bull, lemon, nurse, spinner, tiger, blacknose, finetooth, blue, oceanic whitetip, porbeagle, shortfin mako, and common thresher sharks.

Is a banjo shark a shark?

guitarfish, also called Fiddler Ray, or Banjo Shark, an order (Rhinobatiformes) of fish closely related to the rays. The order contains some 47 to 50 species arranged in three families (Platyrhinidae, Rhinobatidae, and Rhynchobatidae).

Can you keep undersized fish for bait?

Undersize Tailor cannot be used as bait, they must be returned to the water immediately. www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fishing/recreational/fishing-rules-and-regs.

How big do banjo sharks get?

It has a slender tail and two prominent triangular dorsal fins. The species grows to 1.2 m in length.