What is the best hospital for spinal cord injury?

Top 2020-21 Rehabilitation Hospitals

Rank Hospital Score*
1 Shirley Ryan AbilityLab, Chicago, IL 29.6.1%
2 Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, Charlestown, MA 19.1%
3 Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation, West Orange, NJ 16.9%
5 University of Washington Medical Center, Seattle, WA 14.1%

What are the 2 most common sites for spinal cord injury?

The most common sites of injury are the cervical and thoracic areas. SCI is a common cause of permanent disability and death in children and adults.

How do you treat a spinal cord injury patient?

Initial care – immobilisation:

  1. Immobilize the entire spine of any patient with known or potential SCI.
  2. Immobilize neck with a hard collar.
  3. Use log roll with adequate personnel to turn patient while maintaining spine alignment.

What is the best treatment for spinal cord compression?

How is spinal cord compression treated?

  • Medicines may include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) that relieve pain and swelling, and steroid injections that reduce swelling.
  • Physical therapy may include exercises to strengthen your back, abdominal, and leg muscles.

Which part of spine is most vulnerable to injury?

The lumbar spine contains 5 vertebral bones that form a lordotic curve (same as the cervical spine) and run through the lower back. The lumbar spine is more mobile than the thoracic spine yet also carries more weight, making it the most likely region of the spine to become injured and painful.

What is the most severe injury to the spinal cord?

Cervical spinal cord injuries affect the head and neck region above the shoulders. It is the most severe level of spinal cord injury.

Can you fully recover from a spinal cord injury?

Currently, there is no cure for spinal cord injury. There are researchers studying this problem, and there have been many advances in the lab. Many of the most exciting advances have resulted in a decrease in damage at the time of the injury.

Is it possible to fully recover from spinal cord injury?

Although research for a cure to SCI is encouraging, there is currently no proven way to fully restore function following SCI, but this fact does not necessarily mean there is no chance for recovery of function. There is almost always hope for at least some improvement after SCI, but there are no guarantees.