Did Pakistan help Bosnia in war?

Bosnian War of Independence Pakistan sent UN Peacekeeping forces to the former Yugoslavia during the Yugoslav wars. During the war, Pakistan supported Bosnia while providing technical and military support to Bosnia.

How did Pakistan help Bosnia?

Pakistan became the fourth largest contributor of troops to the UN peacekeeping forces in Bosnia and pledged to keep its soldiers there to protect Bosnian Muslims and confront the Serbs while France and other countries wanted to withdraw their troops for the safety of their soldiers.

Who suffered the most in the Bosnian war?

It is estimated between 1.0 and 1.3 million people were uprooted and that tens of thousands were killed during the ethnic cleansing. Serb forces perpetrated most of the ethnic cleansing campaigns and the majority of the victims were Bosniaks.

Are Serbia and Pakistan allies?

– Serbia is one of the first countries to recognize Pakistan, the president of the then state Josip Broz Tito often met with the country’s top government. So, friendship dates back to the last century, and next year we plan to mark the 70th anniversary of cooperation and friendship with the event – said Gilani.

How did Pakistan help Algeria?

Pakistan was one of the first countries to recognize the Provisional Government of Algerian Republic and its mission was opened in Karachi, the then capital of Pakistan in 1958. Both sides have convergence of views on issues of international importance.

Does Serbia support Pakistan?

On 24 December 2012, Pakistan granted diplomatic recognition to the Republic of Kosovo, a partially recognized state that is claimed by Serbia in its entirety as the autonomous province of Kosovo and Metohija….Pakistan–Serbia relations.

Pakistan Serbia
Diplomatic mission
Embassy of Pakistan, Belgrade Embassy of Serbia (China), Beijing

Does Pakistan like Algeria?

Relations between Algeria and Pakistan are excellent. Pakistan was one of the first countries to recognize the Provisional Government of Algerian Republic and its mission was opened in Karachi, the then capital of Pakistan in 1958.