Are there petroglyphs of dinosaurs?

Creationists say Utah petroglyphs of a dinosaur drawn by humans 6,000 years ago prove their case. Paleontologists say dinosaur “legs” are stains on the rock, not man-made drawings. An image of a “dinosaur” from Kachina Bridge in Utah, as depicted by a young creationist (top).

How old are the petroglyphs at Dinosaur National Monument?

about 1,000 years ago
Like those at Swelter Shelter, the Fremont people made the petroglyphs seen on these rocks about 1,000 years ago.

Where is the Lizard Petroglyph?

Uinta Fremont Indian petroglyphs (~1000 years old) on desert varnish-covered cliff face of quartzose sandstone (Navajo Sandstone, Lower Jurassic) in Utah. This cliff face is remarkable for the unusual depiction of small to large-sized petroglyphs of lizards, which are common in the surrounding countryside.

How do we know that dinosaurs existed?

Everything we know about non-avian dinosaurs is based on fossils, which include bones, teeth, footprints, tracks, eggs, and skin impressions. For centuries, people throughout the world have discovered amazing fossilized bones and footprints.

What do petroglyph symbols mean?

Petroglyphs were used to convey messages and ideas. They aren’t read like words, or even like ancient hieroglyphics. They are symbols that can represent anything from a simple object to a complex idea. Our modern cultures also use symbols in similar ways.

How old are the petroglyphs in Joshua Tree?

The desert varnish in Joshua Tree National Park is over 2,000 years old. There is archaeological evidence to support this. Ancient petroglyphs are carved into the desert varnish, which date back to 2,000 years or more! Some of the soils in Joshua National Park, along with other areas in the desert southwest, are alive!

What is the most famous petroglyph?

Other important petroglyphs were the carvings and engravings found on megaliths at Gobekli Tepe, Newgrange and Stonehenge.

  • What Are the Most Famous Petroglyphs?
  • Bhimbetka Petroglyphs, at (290,000-700,000 BCE)
  • Daraki-Chattan Petroglyphs (290,000-700,000 BCE)
  • Blombos Cave Engravings (c.70,000 BCE)