What is unique about Lake Kelimutu?

The Kelimutu crater lakes are a mystery all their own. Sitting at the top of the Kelimutu volcano in Indonesia, each of the three water bodies is a different color. And no one really knows why that’s the case. Stranger still is the fact that some of the lakes have changed color throughout history.

Can you swim in Mount Kelimutu?

Can You Swim In Kelimutu Crater Lakes? This is a common question, but no, you can’t swim in the Kelimutu crater lakes. Even though the lakes are beautiful, they’re also dangerous due to the steep cliffs and toxic sulfuric water.

How do I get to Kelimutu?

A popular route is from Labuan Bajo to Bajawa – a ten-hour bus journey – followed by another bus or car trip to Ende, which takes two hours. Alternatively you can hire a rental car with driver to take you the length of Flores. From Ende, the village of Moni, at the foot of Kelimutu, is around an hour and a half.

Where is Kelimutu crater lakes?

Kelimutu (pronounced [kəliˈmutu]) is a volcano, close to the small town of Moni in central Flores island in Indonesia. It is around 50 km (31 mi) to the east of Ende, Indonesia, the capital of Ende regency in East Nusa Tenggara province. It has three volcanic crater lakes that differ in color.

Is Mount Kelimutu active?

Kelimutu is a volcano on the island of Flores in Indonesia. Kelimutu is Keli=Mount and Mutu=Boiling means mount is always active.

What type of eruption was Kelimutu?

explosive phreatic type
Eruptive activity at Kelimutu has been recorded in 1865 (approx.), in 1938 and in 1968. Eruptions were of an explosive phreatic type, where a combination of steam, ash and volcanic bombs were propelled from the Tiwa Nua Muri crater lake.

Is Kelimutu an active volcano?

But the most famous is the volcano of Kelimutu, just over 1600 meter tall. It has limited activity: in historical times there have been a few small phreatic explosions, but no major events. The celebrity status does not come from the eruptions, but from the small crater lakes left by past explosions.

Is Mount Kelimutu a shield volcano?

Kelimutu is a dormant stratovolcano – a steep-sided volcano with a crater on its top.

How many times has mount Kelimutu erupted?

There have been three recorded eruptive periods at Kelimutu (GVP 2013b): 1865, 1938, and 1968.