What is the comment character in a batch file?

A batch file can be commented using either two colons :: or a REM command. The main difference is that the lines commented out using the REM command will be displayed during execution of the batch file (can be avoided by setting @echo off ) while the lines commented out using :: , won’t be printed.

How do you comment out in CMD?

You can use :: or rem for comments. Only if comments are in if , use rem , as the colons could make errors, because they are a label.

What is the syntax of REM?

Purpose: Provides a way to insert remarks (that will not be acted on) into a batch file. During execution of a batch file, DOS will display (but not act on) comments which are entered on the line after the REM command. You cannot use separators in the comment except the space, tab, and comma.

What Is REM statement in VB?

It’s an abbreviation for “remark”, valid only at the beginning of the line (unlike vb.net), after the line number (if any).

What Is REM in VBA?

The apostrophe (‘) is the preferred comment indicator, although you can use the “Rem” keyword if you want. This is a rollover from the BASIC days. Until the apostrophe the Rem keyword can only be written at the start of line and not on the same line (after an instruction). REM my comment.

Which is the special character used for commenting in shell script?

8.19 “Special” Characters and Operators

Character Where Meaning
TAB csh, sh Argument separator.
TAB bash Filename completion.
# csh, sh Start a comment.
` csh, sh Command substitution (backquotes).

How do I comment in bash shell?

To write single line comments in bash, start the line with the hash symbol (#). HashBang (#!) in the first line of the script file is the only exception. Following is an example Bash Script that has single line comments in between commands.