What should I look for in a pendulum?

The main thing that you must know before choosing a crystal pendulum is what type of crystal it is made of, and what kind of energy that crystal puts out. Or, you can trust your intuition and pick a random one – sometimes your subconscious mind knows exactly what you need, even before you know it.

What do you put in a chambered pendulum?

Crystal Chips – If you prefer to have one pendulum which you can multipurpose, then a chambered pendulum is the right way to go. By adding different crystal chips, you can balance your chakras, dissolve blockages and even mix different chips of crystals to create specific energy frequencies for any purpose.

Can you wear pendulums?

Any pendulums that have been dedicated to the service of healing are best not worn as decorative jewelry. If your pendulum is made from gemstones, just know that crystal energies can be too overwhelming to comfortably wear next to your body. Some people are extremely sensitive to crystal vibrations.

How do I choose a crystal?

How to select your crystal. First things first: Identify what you feel you’re missing before looking into what the stones can provide you. This will help you figure out what’s going on within yourself before depending on outside sources. From there, just let your intuition choose what’s best for you.

What does it mean when a pendulum swings back and forth?

This back and forth motion is called “oscillation.” Its position is said to oscillate back and forth. The period is the amount of time it takes the bob to make one round trip. If the pendulum bob is pulled back and released, it returns to the hand that released it after a time interval equal to one period.

Does shape of pendulum matter?

All metal pendulums are made by machines and, therefore, the shapes are constant and do not vary. The qualities of the work and material do vary, however. Shoddily made metal pendulums are not always symmetrical and do not balance, giving uneven swings when in use.

What happens when you lose a crystal?

If a crystal gets lost, or broken / damaged every time you use it, it could mean that the energy of that crystal is not compatible with your own energy. Energy is made up of particular vibrations and if they become too strong, it can cause damage.

Does a pendulum go on forever?

No pendulum can swing forever because the system loses energy on account of friction. That’s why a grandfather clock has to be rewound every few days, to inject a little energy back into the system.

Are there different types of pendulums?

There are many different types of pendulums out there. So today, I wanted to share with you some of the most beautiful and energetically powerful pendulums I have been able to find. The materials of a pendulum can affect Spirit’s ability to transmit their messages through it to you.

What are the best pendulum stones to use?

Some metaphysicians, including myself, believe that raw, unpolished stones can hold alot of charge, meaning, this raw Amethyst Pendulum can provide crystal clear movement and direction to your questions. 3. Wood Chamber Pendulum Wood is a natural energy conductor.

How to choose the right pendulum for You?

For energy healing practices, a pendulum with Chakra stones would be an excellent choice. You might also want to choose one made with copper, a metal known to conduct, balance and amplify healing energies. For Divination purposes, a pendulum that conducts and elevates higher spiritual energies and protects against negative vibrations is ideal.

How many words does the pendulum know?

Take you pendulum and hold it the same way as when you were practicing. Now we have a problem. The pendulum only knows two words! YES, and NO.