What happens when CuSO4 reacts with HCl?

The reversible copper sulfate reaction When concentrated hydrochloric acid is added to a very dilute solution of copper sulfate, the pale blue solution slowly turns yellow-green on the formation of a copper chloride complex.

What is the reaction between NH3 and CuSO4?

When NH3 solution is added to CuSO4 solution drop by drop, ammonia ions completely react with copper sulphate and precipitates of copper hydroxide are formed. But when we add excess of ammonia, the precipitate dissolves and a soluble complex is formed.

What is the complex formed when aqueous solution of ammonia reacts with CuSO4 solution?

In this reaction we can say that the addition of excess ammonia results in the formation of Tetraamminecopper(II)sulphate i.e. deep blue coloured complex.

When aqueous ammonia is added to CuSO4?

When aqueous ammonia is added to CuSO4 solution, the solution turns deep blue due to the formation of tetrammine copper (II) complex, [Cu(H2O)6]2+ (aq) + 4NH3 (aq) ⇌ [Cu(NH3)4]2+ (aq), among H2O and NH3 which is stronger Lewis base.

What two reactions occur when aqueous ammonia is added to aqueous copper ions?

When concentrated ammonia solution (ammonium hydroxide) is added to a clear, light blue, aqueous solution of copper(II) chloride, a powdery, light blue precipitate of copper(II) hydroxide forms. Further addition of ammonia causes the copper ion to go back into solution as a deep blue ammonia complex.

Does CuSO4 react with H2SO4?

5H2O, when copper sulphate is added to conc. H2SO4, it dehydrate the CuSO4. Answer: Concentrated sulphuric acid will remove water from the crystals of hydrated copper sulphate.

Why does copper not react with HCl but reacts with sulphuric acid?

The correct answer is Copper. Copper does not react with dilute hydrochloric acid even on heating but reacts with sulphuric acid. Copper has more reduction potential than Hydrogen which means that copper is less reactive than Hydrogen.

Does copper react with hydrogen in HCl?

Zinc liberates hydrogen gas when reacted with dilute hydrochloric acid, whereas copper does not.