How do you manage arsenic?

There are a number of options to reduce levels of arsenic in drinking-water.

  1. Substitute high-arsenic sources, such as groundwater, with low-arsenic, microbiologically safe sources such as rain water and treated surface water.
  2. Discriminate between high-arsenic and low-arsenic sources.

What is arsenic & arsenicosis?

Arsenic poisoning, or arsenicosis, occurs after the ingestion or inhalation of high levels of arsenic. Arsenic is a type of carcinogen that’s gray, silver, or white in color. Arsenic is extremely poisonous to humans.

How do you mitigate arsenic crisis?

The most common arsenic-mitigation strategies in such areas include use of uncontaminated or less- contaminated wells, replacement of arsenic-contaminated sources by less-contaminated ones, and removal of arsenic from contaminated water before consumption.

Is arsenicosis caused by water pollution?

Abstract. Arsenicosis is a serious environmental chemical disease in China mainly caused by drinking water from pump wells contaminated by high levels of arsenic.

How do you remove arsenic from wastewater?

A cost-effective approach for arsenic removal is coagulation and precipitation (chemical processes) followed by filtration (a physical process), which is termed coagulation/filtration (CF) in the water treatment industry. Common coagulants used for arsenic are iron salts and aluminum sulfate (alum).

Which drug is used in arsenic poisoning?

In the United States, dimercaprol is the first-line agent for treating arsenic poisoning, but it is often in short supply. In animal experiments, repeated administration of dimercaprol has increased the brain uptake of arsenic.

How do you reduce arsenic in water?

Current methods to remove arsenic include precipitation, adding lime or coagulants to water, using membranes to filter it out, or using an ion exchange process. But using a filter for removal is one of the most commonly used methods due to its ease of operation, relatively low cost and high effectiveness.

What is the mechanism of arsenic poisoning?

One of the mechanisms by which arsenic exerts its toxic effect is through impairment of cellular respiration by the inhibition of various mitochondrial enzymes, and the uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation leading to cell death [119], [120].

What are the strategies used to effective remediation of arsenic toxicity in water?

Methods used in reducing arsenic levels in water are primarily divided into (i) physiochemical methods, which include filtration or coagulation sedimentation, osmosis or electrodialysis, adsorptions, and chemical precipitations and (ii) biological methods such as phytoremediation by using aquatic plants or microbial …

What is main sources of arsenic in water?

Where and how does arsenic get into drinking water? Arsenic can enter the water supply from natural deposits in the earth or from industrial and agricultural pollution. It is widely believed that naturally occurring arsenic dissolves out of certain rock formations when ground water levels drop significantly.