What do conies mean?

a fool or dupe. Word origin. C13: back formation from conies, from Old French conis, plural of conil, from Latin cunīculus rabbit.

Does Coney mean rabbit?

nounplural noun coneys. A rabbit. ‘The humble rabbit was once commonly known as cony, coney (yes, as in Island Baby) or cunny. ‘

What does swine mean in the Bible?

Under the dietary laws given by God for Israel, the pig was a forbidden, unclean animal. It was common for first-century Jews to refer to Gentiles as swine because they considered them unclean. One thing is sure. Jesus didn’t try to appease scoffers.

What is the cormorant in the Bible?

That verse, along with Leviticus 11:17 and Zephaniah 2:14, put the cormorant on the “unclean” list and predicts of the destruction of Nineveh, where only the animals and birds will inhabit the city. Again, God has created and provided for another interesting bird kind.

What kind of name is coney?

The name Coney is of Anglo-Saxon origin. It was name for a swift runner or a timid person. The surname Coney is derived from the Old English words conig and cony, which mean rabbit. However, Coney may have also been an occupational surname applied to a dealer in rabbit skins or a furrier.

What is coney man?

A dealer in rabbits.

What is a coney in Leviticus?

The cony of the Old World and of the Bible is an unrelated mammal, the hyrax (q.v.). A variety of whitefish (q.v.), sometimes called inconnu, or sheefish, is also called cony, as are certain varieties of sea bass (q.v.).

What kind of rabbit is a coney?

The European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) or coney is a species of rabbit native to the Iberian Peninsula (including Spain, Portugal, and southwestern France), western France, and the northern Atlas mountains in Northwest Africa.

Why is pork considered unclean in the Bible?

Quintessentially, the Torah explicitly declares the pig unclean, because it has cloven hooves but does not ruminate.