Why is it important to position the cuvette in the correct orientation?

There is usually an arrow at the top of one clear side. This is to show which side of the cuvette to orient towards the spectrophotometer beam. This is important as rotating the cuvette by 180 degres can give a significantly different reading.

How should the cuvette be placed in the spectrophotometer?

Open the lid of the sample chamber, insert the cuvette in the way that the transparent sites are in the east-west direction, that’s where the light is coming from. There are two cuvettes holders, labeled blank and sample, so place them accordingly. Close the lid and do the auto zeroing.

Where should you hold a cuvette?

Cuvettes should always be held by the top section of the cell to avoid any damage to the lower portion of the cell where the light comes in. This area is usually from the bottom of the cuvette up to 25mm.

Why do you need to place the cuvette in the same position for every measurement you take?

This keeps the cuvette in the same orientation every time, so any imperfections in the glass will not affect your results. Close the sample cover. the instrument so that it will ignore any light absorbed by the solution.

What is the proper way to handle a cuvette for use in a spectrophotometer Why are these steps important for analysis?

Handling of cuvettes

  1. Handle the cuvettes carefully to avoid breakage.
  2. Avoid contact with clear sides of cuvettes with any hard surface (to avoid scratches).
  3. While filling the cuvettes, avoid spillage of the solution on the outer side of the cuvettes.

How does cuvette affect absorbance?

On a spectrophotometer which measures how much light is absorbed, it is safe to say that less light will reach the sample in a dirty cuvette. Therefore, the machine will interpret this as more light being absorbed. So, in other words, if the cuvette is dirty, the readings will be off.

How do you take care of a spectrophotometer?

Maintaining Your Spectrophotometer

  1. Keep your device clean.
  2. Keep your samples clean.
  3. Calibrate your device regularly.
  4. Send your device for factory certification to maintain ISO compliance.
  5. Full Service Plans.
  6. Software Support Contract.
  7. Out-of-warranty repair and certification.
  8. Getting service.

Why was the outside of the cuvette cleaned before it was placed in the spectrophotometer?

When water/cleaning solution is on the inside it can contaminate the test solution. However, if the water/CS is in the optical beam, the results will be incorrect. You have to be 100% certain that you completely dry the outside of a cuvette before you place it in the spectrophotometer.

Why are cuvettes used?

Cuvettes are designed to hold samples for spectroscopic measurement, where a beam of light is passed through the sample within the cuvette to measure the absorbance, transmittance, fluorescence intensity, fluorescence polarization, or fluorescence lifetime of the sample.

Why is the cuvette to be handled along the opaque sides?

Handling of cuvettes Avoid contact with clear sides of cuvettes with any hard surface (to avoid scratches). 3. While filling the cuvettes, avoid spillage of the solution on the outer side of the cuvettes. 4.