Are bat and bird wings convergent evolution?

Birds and bats have homologous limbs because they are both ultimately derived from terrestrial tetrapods, but their flight mechanisms are only analogous, so their wings are examples of functional convergence.

Are birds and bats an example of convergent evolution?

A widespread example of convergent evolution is the evolution of wings and powered flight in birds, bats and (now extinct) pterosaurs, each of which belong to a different class of organism and therefore have very distant common ancestors.

What is the evolutionary relationship between bats and birds?

1: Homologous structures: Bat and bird wings are homologous structures, indicating that bats and birds share a common evolutionary past. Notice it is not simply a single bone, but rather a grouping of several bones arranged in a similar way.

Why would the wings of birds and bats be considered an example of convergent evolution are they closely related?

Convergent evolution: Convergent evolution occurs when two organisms that lack a recent common ancestor end up more and more alike as they adapt to a similar ecological niche. The organisms have convergent phenotypes, and their similar structural forms are called analogous structures (such as bird wings and bat wings).

What are 2 examples of convergent evolution?

Examples of convergent evolution include the relationship between bat and insect wings, shark and dolphin bodies, and vertebrate and cephalopod eyes. Analogous structures arise from convergent evolution, but homologous structures do not.

What animals are an example of convergent evolution?

Convergent evolution is when different organisms independently evolve similar traits. For example, sharks and dolphins look relatively similar despite being entirely unrelated.

What is the relationship between the wing of a bird and the wing of a bat?

Sometimes it is unclear whether similarities in structure in different organisms are analogous or homologous. An example of this is the wings of bats and birds. These structures are homologous in that they are in both cases modifications of the forelimb bone structure of early reptiles.

Are bird wings and bat wings homologous structures or analogous structures?

Bird and Bat wings are analogous because they evolved independently. But the wing bones are homologous because they were inherited from the common ancestor.

Which of the following example is convergent evolution?

Flippers of dolphins and penguins are examples of convergent evolution. In both animals; flippers have different origins but serve a similar purpose.

What are three examples of convergent evolution?

Are birds and bats related?

The link between birds and bats isn’t in their ancestry, but in their lifestyles. Birds and bats are vastly different and only distantly related, but they both independently evolved the ability to fly.

Are the wings of a bat and bird homologous or analogous?

Sometimes it is unclear whether similarities in structure in different organisms are analogous or homologous. An example of this is the wings of bats and birds. These structures are homologous in that they are in both cases modifications of the forelimb bone structure of early reptiles.