Are mandrill endangered?

VulnerableMandrill / Conservation status

How many mandrills are left in the world 2021?

There are believed to be fewer than 4,000 left, scattered in fragmented populations in Nigeria, Cameroon, and Equatorial Guinea. Even though the mandrills and drills are listed under Appendix I of CITES and protected by national legislation across their range, these spectacular monkeys face an uncertain future.

What is the classification of mandrill?

DrillsMandrill / GenusMandrillus is a genus of large Old World monkeys distributed throughout central and southern Africa, consisting of two species: M. sphinx and M. leucophaeus, the mandrill and drill, respectively. Mandrillus, originally placed under the genus Papio as a type of baboon, is closely related to the genus Cercocebus. Wikipedia

Are mandrills bigger than baboons?

Size. As the largest member of the monkey family, the mandrill is larger than even the biggest baboon species. The mandrill is also the most sexually dysmorphic of the monkey species.

Why is the mandrill endangered?

Found only in the tropical forests of Gabon, Cameroon and Congo and known best for the male’s striking blue and red facial markings, mandrills are now considered endangered due to habitat loss and poaching.

Is Rafiki a mandrill?

Although the character Rafiki from The Lion King is often referred to as a baboon, the colors on his face indicate that he is actually a mandrill. Males have red and blue muzzles and similarly colored rear ends. The reds and blues can blend to form gorgeous hues of purple.

Why are mandrills endangered?

Are mandrills bigger than gorillas?

Today, eastern lowland gorillas are the Largest primates overall (at around 1.75 m/5 ft 9 in tall), but the largest member of the monkey family is the mandrill.

Are gorillas bigger than mandrills?

How can we protect mandrills?

Education and local awareness are huge components in protecting the mandrill. By exposing the bush meat trade as unnecessary and unethical and teaching children to live in an ethically sustainable way, conservationists hope to eradicate the bush meat trade in future generations.