Are metal combs good for cats?

Typically consisting of narrow metal teeth and a wide handle, cat combs help reduce matting, remove pests, and provide a gentle massage with every stroke. With a bit of effort, cat parents can make any coat look clean and polished.

Do electronic flea combs work?

The slight static current is the feature that I love about these automatic anti-flea combs that regular ones do not have. It stuns then kills the fleas on contact that is why I know that these are very effective. But no need to worry because they are proven harmless and painless for animals.

How do you use a metal comb on a cat?

Always brush or comb in the direction in which the hair grows. For a short-hair cat, once a week use a fine-tooth comb to remove any debris, starting at her head and down through her tail. A metal comb works well, but, as with any grooming tool, use gentle strokes to avoid discomfort or injury.

Do combs make cats gag?

Cats gag at the sound of combs because it creates a high-frequency sound that we, as humans, can’t hear. However, it can be extremely irritating for your cat, resulting in the gag reflex.

How do you demat a cat?

Sprinkle a little cornstarch or talcum powder in the area of the mat, and gently work it around with your fingers. Gently pull the mat up away from the skin, so you can see where the skin is. If the cat resists, take a break and speak in a soothing voice, petting the cat until it relaxes.

Where do you put fleas after combing?

Comb in the direction of the fur, and dunk the comb into the water after every couple of strokes to remove any fleas or eggs that have been trapped. Fleas like to hide in armpits, near the groin area, around the neck, at the base of the ear, and around the base of the tail.

Can you Overbrush your cat?

Just don’t overdo it. Brushing your cat too much can result in skin irritation or bald patches, though you’re more likely to see these symptoms from your cat over-grooming than from brushing.

Is a comb or brush better for cat?

Cats with long hair need a slicker or pin brush and possibly a deshedding tool to remove dead hair and dirt from their topcoat and undercoat. Long-haired cats that are prone to mats may also need a comb that can dig into dreadlocks and slowly untangle them.