Are Reef Octopus skimmers any good?

The Reef Octopus Classic 202-S Protein Skimmer is a large high performing skimmer that pulls an excellent amount of dark nasty skimmate from marine aquariums. I’ve been running this skimmer on my 210-gallon reef tank for over a year.

Where are Reef Octopus skimmers made?

By using cost-effective production and assembly in China, Reef Octopus provides high-performing, reliable reef equipment at a price everyone can afford.

Where do you fish for reef octopus?

Comment by 445261. These can be fished in pools (called Reef Octopus Swarm) off the coast of the southern half of the Jade Forest (south of the Temple of the Jade Serpent) and the coast of Kasarang Wilds.

Where is Jade lungfish in Pandaria?

You can find pools of these fish literally all over Jade Forest, but if you want to stay in one location and fish for hours, there is a spot in the river at 51,22 between Tian Monastery and Sri-La Village where there are so many pools to fish from that there is always one or more available.

Why do skimmers need to break in?

A new protein skimmer requires a break-in period of about 1-2 weeks before it reaches optimum performance. Why? For one, all skimmers need to run for some time to allow all residual oils on the acrylic from production and handling to break down before it will build a steady head of foam.

Where can I fish jewel Danio?

This item can be fished in Timeless Isle (75).

Will a protein skimmer reduce ammonia?

Cleaner Shrimp. The protein skimmer doesn’t remove ammonia, it removes the organic compounds that decompose into ammonia then nitrite and nitrate.

Do protein skimmers reduce nitrates?

Protein skimmers help maintain low nitrate levels by retarding nitrate buildup. They remove organic waste before it has a chance to break down and release nitrogen compounds. The use of a protein skimmer is essential in reef aquariums where a very low nitrate level is crucial for coral health.

Should I skim wet or dry?

More liquid and paler skimate when skimming wet dry skim will be much thicker and darker , there is no best way to skim wet or dry it just what is needed for the tank really wet skimming is usually used when dosing a carbon source such as vodka as more bacteria will be skimmed out with the increased removal of liquid …

Where can I farm Krasarang paddlefish?

Fishing Locations This item can be fished in Valley of the Four Winds (622), Krasarang Wilds (366), Vale of Eternal Blossoms (226), and Timeless Isle (39).

Where can I fish Redbelly Mandarin?

As of PATCH 5.4, the place to fish for the Redbelly Mandarin is in Townlong Steppes at (36 / 54) the Fields of Niuzao in the lake on the northwest end of the island.

Do corals like high nitrates?

Most novice hobbyists think of nitrate as bad, and in higher amounts, it’s certainly not good for reef tanks. However, corals still require a small amount of nitrate for optimal color, growth and health.

What are signs of ammonia in fish tank?

Symptoms include:

  • Purple, red or bleeding gills.
  • Fish may clamp, may appear darker in color.
  • Red streaking on the fins or body.
  • Fish may gasp for air at the surface of the tank water.
  • Torn & jagged fins.
  • Fish may appear weak and lay at the bottom of the tank.

Is 20 ppm nitrate too high saltwater?

Although many aquarists run their tanks with extreme nitrate levels, the ideal is a maximum of 5 to 10 ppm. Levels of 20 to 50 ppm are too high.

What is the fastest way to lower nitrates in a reef tank?

How to reduce nitrates in a marine tank

  1. Change the water.
  2. Use a protein skimmer.
  3. Improve mechanical filtration.
  4. Fit an algae refugium.
  5. Use algae reducing media.
  6. Go probiotic.
  7. Feed less, have less fish.

What can I use to raise my protein skimmer?

Adjustable Skimmer Stand provides your skimmer with a solid, stable platform at just the right height to get the best performance. Sometimes the water levels in your sump may be too deep for your skimmer to perform optimally. The Skimmer Stand makes it easy to raise your protein skimmer to the ideal…

Where can I farm Spinefish?

The absolute best place to farm this up is at Firebough Nook in Kun-Lai Summit. There’s about 20 motes in the small lake and the respawn rate is fast.